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[BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Printable Version

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[BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-14-2016

EDIT: This should now be a much better fix that doesn't fuck over changelings, and also brings blood loss in line with heart loss.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Grek - 05-14-2016

This would fuck over changelings.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-14-2016

(05-14-2016, 07:45 PM)Grek Wrote: This would fuck over changelings.

But it doesn't make any fucking sense that you can still die from strangulation if you no longer need to breathe.

Edit: Actually yeah, I agree.

I'm trying to push out a patch that fixes the choking out thing while still letting people get absorbed.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Vitatroll - 05-14-2016

Happens to changelings too, which is far weirder for an organism that can survive borgification.

I used to have a problem with both of these, but then I rationalized it: the lack of need for air doesn't necessarily mean the lack of need for blood circulation. I'm not sure how this anaerobic metabolism works, but we still die without blood. That means it still holds significance, and that means cutting off it's flow to the brain would probably cause bad things.

I don't really care either way at this point.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-15-2016

With anaerobic metabolism, you can survive without a heart.

If that doesn't stop blood flow to the brain, I don't know what will.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Roomba - 05-15-2016

The main reason why people need blood is so that it can carry oxygen throughout the body and stop carbon dioxide from building up. (Nutrients, too, but that's a marginally less immediate issue.)

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-15-2016

I just realized that I should probably update this so it doesn't fuck over changelings.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Vitatroll - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 08:15 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: With anaerobic metabolism, you can survive without a heart.

If  that doesn't stop blood flow to the brain, I don't know what will.

Wait, I thought you still bled to death? Oh well, guess I was wrong.

and yes my education level exceeds primary so I know what blood does. My rationalization was that if we bled to death then blood must still circulate something in lieu of oxygen, but we don't, so it doesn't matter.


RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-15-2016

You can still bleed to death, but not having a heart doesn't cause the same issue.

It's due to the fact that having too little blood causes boatloads direct brain damage in the code, which bypasses anaerobic metabolism. Whereas not having a heart just causes metric fuckloads of oxy damage and losebreath, both of which are covered by anaerobic metabolism, and a very small amount of brain damage if there isn't oxy damage.
Compare the two below.
No blood code
            switch (src.blood_volume)

                if (-INFINITY to 0)
                    src.losebreath ++
                    src.drowsyness = max(src.drowsyness, 4)
                    if (prob(10))
                    if (prob(10))
                        src.emote(pick("faint", "collapse", "pale", "shudder", "shiver", "gasp", "moan"))
                    if (prob(18))
                        var/extreme = pick("", "really ", "very ", "extremely ", "terribly ", "insanely ")
                        boutput(src, "<span style=\"color:red\"><b>You feel [pick("[extreme]ill", "[extreme]sick", "[extreme]numb", "[extreme]cold", "[extreme]dizzy", "[extreme]out of it", "[extreme]confused", "[extreme]off-balance", "[extreme]terrible", "[extreme]awful", "like death", "like you're dying", "[extreme]tingly", "like you're going to pass out", "[extreme]faint")]!</b></span>")
                        src.weakened +=4
                    src.contract_disease(/datum/ailment/disease/shock, null, null, 1) // if you have no blood you're gunna be in shock

                if (1 to 100)
                    src.losebreath ++
                    src.drowsyness = max(src.drowsyness, 3)
                    if (prob(6))
                    if (prob(8))
                        src.emote(pick("faint", "collapse", "pale", "shudder", "shiver", "gasp", "moan"))
                    if (prob(14))
                        var/extreme = pick("", "really ", "very ", "extremely ", "terribly ", "insanely ")
                        boutput(src, "<span style=\"color:red\"><b>You feel [pick("[extreme]ill", "[extreme]sick", "[extreme]numb", "[extreme]cold", "[extreme]dizzy", "[extreme]out of it", "[extreme]confused", "[extreme]off-balance", "[extreme]terrible", "[extreme]awful", "like death", "like you're dying", "[extreme]tingly", "like you're going to pass out", "[extreme]faint")]!</b></span>")
                        src.weakened +=3
                    if (prob(25))
                        src.contract_disease(/datum/ailment/disease/shock, null, null, 1)

No heart code:
        if (H.get_oxygen_deprivation())
        else if (prob(10))

        H.weakened = max(H.weakened, 5)

As you can see, for someone without anaerobic metabolism, the effects of not having a heart would be far worse than the effects of bleeding out. Not having a heart means death in mere seconds.
However, once we add anaerobic metabolism to the mix, the severity is reversed. Sure, you'll be stunned if you don't have a heart, but you'll be alive for a long, long time.
Anaerobic metabolism doesn't do much to lessen the effects of not having any blood. I mean yeah, the oxy damage isn't there, but the consistent brain damage and the stuns are still there.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that being strangled is more analogous to a much less severe form of cardiac abscondment than to not having any blood at all. Plus, it seems more like a case of inconsistent coding than anything intentional.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Erik - 05-15-2016

I'd rather not see this become a thing, as this would fuck over changelings and people trying to stop awful geneticists, as far as I'm aware this was intentionally left this way due to balance reasons, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Frank_Stein - 05-15-2016

Wouldn't a changeling still be able to knock someone out with neurotox and absorb them while they are asleep? I don't see how'd they be completely fucked over.

RE: [BUG] People with anaerobic metabolism can still be strangled to death - Noah Buttes - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 01:07 PM)ErikHanson Wrote: I'd rather not see this become a thing, as this would fuck over changelings and people trying to stop awful geneticists, as far as I'm aware this was intentionally left this way due to balance reasons, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Doesn't fuck over changelings anymore.

If you want to stop awful geneticists, use mutadone hyposprays or darts, not strangling.

(05-15-2016, 01:16 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Wouldn't a changeling still be able to knock someone out with neurotox and absorb them while they are asleep? I don't see how'd they be completely fucked over.

Yep! This is how it works now.