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Somepotato; Nuking me from orbit - Printable Version

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Somepotato; Nuking me from orbit - sartorius - 05-10-2016

Who: Somepotato
Where: LLJK US 2
What: Calling in a tactical nuclear strike on me for having too many stickers


Synopsis: I was a celebrity! I had it all! Stickers that extended past the borders of the screen, a group of screaming fans that wanted to take me aboard their cargo cart, but suddenly tragedy struck when I entered the pool. I do some flips off the diving board, go for a swim, and all the sudden, I am teleported back into the pool. The ladders and the diving boards vanish. A CENTCOM announcement reads that a Nuclear Launch is detected in the pool. I am able to blurt out that I had a good life, before being atomized, along with several bystanders.
Extra Information: Somepotato claimed I was violating physics by having too many stickers.

RE: Somepotato; Nuking me from orbit - somepotato - 05-10-2016

sticker physics is a questionable science

RE: Somepotato; Nuking me from orbit - Boa Jacque - 05-11-2016

Heh, I wasn't even there for this but-- I've pieced together enough of the picture that I'm amused. Looking at it both ways.