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Medical Suggestions Thread - Printable Version

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Medical Suggestions Thread - atomic1fire - 03-08-2013

There's no doctor thread as far as I know, but I had some medical suggestions and didn't know where else to put it so....

Scanning someone with the health analyzer should update their medical records, e.g scan a dead dude and his status changes to dead, or scan him and find a Disease and the results are recorded as a medical note.

Also on that note Certain diseases should intermingle with drugs and other diseases, it could be a headache for medbay, but if medbay was made slightly harder for more experienced doctors. Then it could be more interesting in the way engineering is now. Basically require a doctor to check the medical records of a crewmember if something goes horribly wrong. e.g YOU GAVE THIS DRUG TO SOMEONE WITH SPACE DIABETES?

Also maybe a way for crewmen to quicky fix themselves and others, e.g tape and paper = bad bandage. or some metal rods and some tape to make a temporary splint, to make newer injuries that much more fun.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Captain_Bravo - 03-14-2013

One thing I'd really like is a simplified apparatus in Medical for drugs. As it stands, drugs are all over place, split between multiple MedVends, Lockers, and medkits. It's sad that, as a doctor, I have to go find a medkit and dig around inside it just to heal a burn. Some kind of device similar to the ChemMaster, but that has to be loaded with the drugs first, would be awesome. Doubly so if you could load the thing up with patches, select the drugs and amounts, and have it print you off the patch you need to slap on the patient. Or syringes, or Hyposprays. Some thing in a corner where I can load up my bottles, put my applicator of choice inside, and have it pop out what I need, instead of juggling two medkits, three beakers, and a box of syringes just to heal some dude's minor burn and toxin damage. As it stands, the most common answer to every situation is almost always to just fill them full of tricord and not worry about their withdrawal, unless you want to spend 20 minutes juggling pills and beakers to home-brew the chemicals you need and get them in some sort of order to use.

Also, if Kelotane and Dexalin could come pre-bottled along with the Anti-Toxin and Inaprovaline, that would be great. Doubly so if we could get Bicaridine in there. I appreciate having to turn to chemistry for higher-level drugs, Dex+ or Leporazine or Ryetalyn, but as it stands the only thing a doctor has on hand to treat a bruise are the 6-9 Healing Patches found in the medkits scattered across medbay. Maybe if there were a medicine that treats brute damage less effectively than Bicaridine, or fix Inaprovaline or something?

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - mozi - 03-14-2013

I like the first idea a lot, and would even go so far as to scrap the injury-specific medkits. Have a few empty medkits lying around, and doctors can generate a set of gear & meds from the MedChemDispenser (or whatever its called) as they feel appropriate to fill it up.

I dunno about the second suggestion since the scarcity promotes department interdependence (you can get those stuff from chem, botany, or QM), plus it turns otherwise helpful doctors into psychotic healthcare bureaucrats mercilessly rationing their meager supplies to the highest bidder... which is a good thing.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Kaet - 03-14-2013

Make the blood monitor implant a bit more interesting.
If you were scanned by the cloning machine with a blood monitor implanted, when you die the geneticists would be alerted on their PDAs and the cloning computer would say that you are dead and ready to be cloned.

And give the genetics computer a log of who has been cloned.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Sundance - 03-14-2013

Surgery is going to be a thing, it's already there, I was told that there's a possibility of organ failure and deep burns.
These things are only operable via the surgery table I would think.
What if the surgery gets blown up?
Surgery on the go, this is where you could find two uses for a) Tabling and b) those useless anesthetic tanks
Captains guts are blown up, and so is surgery, you need to operate so you strap the captain up the the anesthetic and table him, this means you can operate. Good idea/bad idea?

Also, organ replacement, you may require some gibs, this mean you could work with genetics for corpses to gib.
Gibs now have a use! Woohoo.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Weavel - 03-14-2013

I was thinking literally the exact same thing the other day Sundance.

Imagine walking past Electronics and they've got the captain tied to a table with cabling, trying to force an anasthetic tank to his back, with an assistant outside scraping up bits of him to slap back inside. Of course they can't find any scalpels or anything, so an Electrician brings out his wirecutters, a welding tool, some metal and a Fire First Aid kit...

Dodgey surgery with tools could be hilarious. Especially when it starts happening on purpose; walking into the Chapel to see a bunch of devotees smashing their own faces in and getting them replaced with bits of metal while the Chaplain beats them braindead and the Chief Engineer welds his magnetic boots to his own replaced feet.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - UrsulaMejor - 03-14-2013

The problem with surgery is that there's no reason to want to stay alive when you can just be cloned.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Embolism - 03-14-2013

Cloning is really too easy with no significant drawbacks. I think there was a few suggestions in the economy thread to make reliable cloning more expensive, and if you can't pay up Horrible Things may happen to your clone. In which case people may be more inclined to have surgery instead of getting Cloned, if they can't fork out the cash.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - atomic1fire - 03-14-2013

I could have sworn there was a suggestion for organ removal in bathtubs on the old forums.

Perhaps that could be another venue for medical procedures, less healthy then a surgery table, but slightly more gimmicky and just dangerous enough that someone would try it.

It's probably a bad idea considering some of the players, but it's at least worth mentioning.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Kaet - 03-14-2013

Maybe have max health go down by 5-15% each time you were cloned?

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Shoddy - 03-14-2013

Now i can finally live out my gimmick of being a repo man tearing out people's livers without anesthetic for gene co. !

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Cogwerks - 03-15-2013

Kaet Wrote:Maybe have max health go down by 5-15% each time you were cloned?

I like that idea.

Re: Medical Suggestions Thread - Weavel - 03-15-2013

Kaet Wrote:Maybe have max health go down by 5-15% each time you were cloned?

That's pretty neat, if only for the eventual gimmick featherweight boxing where one punch knocks someone to crit.