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[Feature] Instrument Player Mech Component - Printable Version

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[Feature] Instrument Player Mech Component - Grayshift - 03-09-2016

Hello. Let's make some noise.

Stick instruments or a few other things into it. Pitch shifting is available within a range. Play me the song of your people.

/obj/item/mechanics/instrumentPlayer //Grayshift's musical madness
    name = "Instrument Player"
    desc = ""
    icon_state = "comp_synth"
    density = 0
    var/obj/item/instrument = null
    var/pitchUnlocked = 0 // varedit this to 1 to permit really goofy pitch values!
    var/ready = 1
    var/delay = 10
    var/sounds = null
    var/volume = 50

        . += "<br><span style=\"color:blue\">Current Instrument: [instrument ? "[instrument]" : "None"]</span>"

        mechanics.addInput("play", "fire")

        if (level == 2 || !ready || !instrument) return
        ready = 0
        spawn(delay) ready = 1
        var/signum = text2num(input.signal)
        if (signum && ((signum >= 0.4 && signum <= 2) || (signum <= -0.4 && signum >= -2) || pitchUnlocked))
            playsound(src.loc, sounds, volume, 0, 0, signum)
            playsound(src.loc, sounds, volume, 1)

    attackby(obj/item/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
        if (..(W, user)) return // I don't know what this does but I'm copying it blindly. I guess it checks if there's a predefined action for hitting this with that?
        if (instrument) // Already got one, chief!
            boutput(usr, "There is already a [instrument] inside the [src].")
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/saxophone)) //BLUH these aren't consolidated under any combined type hello elseif chain
            instrument = W
            sounds = list('sound/items/sax.ogg', 'sound/items/sax2.ogg','sound/items/sax3.ogg','sound/items/sax4.ogg','sound/items/sax5.ogg')
            volume = 50
            delay = 100
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/harmonica))
            instrument = W
            sounds = list('sound/items/harmonica1.ogg', 'sound/items/harmonica2.ogg', 'sound/items/harmonica3.ogg')
            volume = 50
            delay = 20
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/whistle))
            instrument = W
            sounds = list('sound/items/whistle.ogg')
            volume = 35
            delay = 20
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/bagpipe))
            instrument = W
            sounds = list('sound/items/bagpipe.ogg', 'sound/items/bagpipe2.ogg','sound/items/bagpipe3.ogg')
            volume = 50
            delay = 100
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/vuvuzela))
            instrument = W
            sounds = 'sound/items/vuvuzela.ogg'
            volume = 80
            delay = 20
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/bikehorn))
            instrument = W
            sounds = 'sound/items/bikehorn.ogg'
            volume = 50
            delay = 5
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/clothing/head/butt))
            instrument = W
            sounds = 'sound/misc/poo2.ogg'
            volume = 100
            delay = 5
        else if (istype(W, /obj/item/clothing/shoes/clown_shoes))
            instrument = W
            sounds = list('sound/misc/clownstep1.ogg','sound/misc/clownstep2.ogg')
            volume = 50
            delay = 5
        else // IT DON'T FIT
            user.show_text("The [] isn't compatible with this component.", "red")

        if (instrument) // You did it, boss. Now log it because someone will figure out a way to abuse it
            boutput(usr, "You put the [W] inside the [src].")
            logTheThing("station", usr, null, "adds [W] to [src] at [log_loc(src)].")
            instrument.loc = src

        set src in view(1)
        set name = "\[Remove Instrument\]"
        set desc = "Removes the instrument."
        set category = "Local"

        if (!istype(usr, /mob/living))
        if (usr.stat)
        if (!mechanics.allowChange(usr))
            boutput(usr, "<span style=\"color:red\">[MECHFAILSTRING]</span>")

            logTheThing("station", usr, null, "removes [instrument] from [src] at [log_loc(src)].")
            instrument.loc = get_turf(src)
            instrument = null
            boutput(usr, "<span style=\"color:red\">There is no instrument inside this component.</span>")

Stuff it into, plus one line to Not on github because I'll sign up for it later and figure it out some other time, I'm just happy my first project only took an hour or two.

        product_list += new/datum/data/vending_product("/obj/item/mechanics/instrumentPlayer", 10)