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More jobs interdependencies - Printable Version

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More jobs interdependencies - Haprenti - 02-11-2016

I think more jobs interdependencies could be interesting, having more things for doing your job that recquires help from other jobs.
No necessarily must have things, but things that would be nice to have and make one's job easier and more comfortable.
Something nice or helpful enough to actually be worthwhile.

I have a few ideas in mind but that's just some examples :

- Hydroponics <- Robotics:
A watering can bot that waters nearby plants while botanists can get something else done (Would help a lot when you're taking care of 8 trays with ammonia, or when you want to take a break at the bar or something).

- Hydroponics <- Chemistry:
Better chems for raising a plant's stats

- Chemistry <- Hydroponics:
Plants with exclusive chems ? Maybe some chems that could serve as shortcuts by replacing one reagent in a usually long recipe

- Chemistry <- Mining or Robotics?:
A feature usually requested but maybe too convenient to be available at roundstart : A machine (or ChemMaster upgrade?) that separates chems without dumping them.
Why mining ? Just use some exotic metal with interesting properties or atomic structure which allow ultrafiltration or something, reallly, an explanation can be RPd easily.
(I think the ChemCompiler might be able to do that, never got into it, that would be another way of doing it, while giving others things to do)

- Engineering <- Mining:
Somehow allow the use of cerenkite to generate or help generate more electricity or heat
(Or an experimental local generator like thing that feeds on cerenkite and produce electricity when engineering sucks)

- Security <- Robotics or Quartermaster?:
Tracking bullets working with pinpointers (Set the pinpointer to follow the implant).
Said pinpointers being stored in a safe place in security, but with no bullets present at roundstart that go with them.
Indeed, those bullets are controversial and NT chose not to use them. The idea was shelved but some of these tool remained. Maybe the curent station commands will turn around regarding that decision?
(There, a way to explain why you have only half the tools)

- Genetics <- Hydroponics:
A plants that helps restoring some genetic stability (Up to a limit and/or with diminishing returns ? And/Or long to grow ?)

- Medical <- Hydroponics:
Maybe making synthlimbs harder to grow, for instance synthmeat recquiring potency or lifespan. Makes sense, you don't want those limbs to rot after a day or two.
Instead have them easier to place on someone, like, just putting it in place is enough, the plant reacts immediatly and grafts itself to you to form a symbiosis.
That would even go well if using the suggested chem ideas for helping hydroponics, is there even something that reliably raise lifespan?

- ? <- Mining, quartermaster, robotics or mechanics,:
Not really related to a specific job I think, but would recquire to seek assistance from several jobs to get it done:
A janitor cart like machine that automatically replace floors, for instance, I think the hallway would look better in blue, so I get cobryl tiles ready, but it takes a long time to even replace a small floor area, not even talking about all the former tiles that remain there and that you have to get one by one off the floor.
But thanks to the help of my coworkers on the station, I could have this floor management cart and just have to load the tiles in it and I can go.
It could be used for antagging with some materials, except the players having helped you would know who they helped and could warn security if anything gets fishy.
The jobs are for :
Mining : Getting your metal
Quartermaster : Buying the illegal cart chip to a trader
Mechanic/Roboticist : Build the cart

Floor tiles at the moment could actually be used for antagging, but who would use them for that ? It takes forever to make, it has zero stealthiness, everybody know what you are doing, you had enough time to get jailed 3 times (should security be present on the station) by the time you're finished........ with your first room.

This would both help people trying to use different colored tiles, and make an antagging gimmick more viable, while balancing it somehow as they need assistance from other jobs and ore supply from mining.

The janitor could be provided with an easy way to make cleaner grenades with help from chemistry but that could already be a thing I don't know.

I can't think of anything for the the chef or the bartender, anything for them would feel kind of forced, as they's just here for consistency and fun, while not actually producing anything useful.
Maybe provide ways to get the bar more entertaining but I don't have any good ideas on that.

Those are just a buch of ideas I came up with but there may be betters out there.
Things like that if actually used would make some parts of the station a bit more lively, I'd like to have people request help from my job more often, as for instance you can spend a whole round absorbed into your job, 40min later notice a shuttle call and realize you just spent the whole round there, and feel like you've done nothing useful during that time.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - ZeWaka - 02-11-2016

Please. Yes. All of it. hell yeah man

I love how this combines so many other ideas from this subforum into one cohesive good post!

As for sprucing up the bar, maybe actually have QM able to order fireworks? Those are always fun for bar parties.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - Mageziya - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 12:31 PM)Haprenti Wrote: - Hydroponics <- Chemistry:
Better chems for raising a plant's stats

- Chemistry <- Hydroponics:
Plants with exclusive chems ? Maybe some chems that could serve as shortcuts by replacing one reagent in a usually long recipe

If you add a plant that produces Bath Salts and can only be made by infusing a plant with something from chemistry I can guarantee that every turbo nerd out there, antag or not, would suddenly care about how botany is doing in a round and even help them. Heck, a particular secret chem would actually appear naturally made every now and then instead of solely coming from poison bottles.

Of course the key problem with interdependencies is that it requires you to trust that the other department will actually follow through on your requests. The problem is that the current culture is the antithesis to this: Everyone's a lone wolf until otherwise is necessary and there are many rounds where one or two departments are empty or filled with people who don't want to do said job.

Good news is that these interdependencies are all secondary augments and everything can occur without them. Bad new is that these interdependencies are all secondary augments and everything can occur without them. Goon even now is filled with all sorts of neat little side things that you can do in nearly every job, but no one does them, either because it's too much of a hassle in round-to-round routine (Why put effort into something that will only last the last 30-20 minutes of an hour?) or because people have just outright forgotten. (Think: When was the last time you saw a clown juggling? Did you even know that they could?)

Basically, the worst case scenario is that nerds wouldn't do any of these cool features that all this work was put into, or they'd just break into the department and do it themselves.

Best case scenario is that this somehow changes and people actually work together and do so consistently.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - Haprenti - 02-11-2016

Hmmm I'm not sure how it would turn out.
I just though I wanted people to ask things from me more often, as as of now it's usually me trying to palm what I made off on the radio, if I even bother trying, and sometimes feel like I've done nothing for the entire round.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - Vitatroll - 02-11-2016

This would work on Destiny, but not Main.

On main, most everybody has seen most everything. Botany: You can make Omega Weed in 15 minutes and nobody but the chemists will care. Engineering: Hellburning will actually get people to call the shuttle at 30. A maxed PTL gets mild claps. Science: Making a monkeylich and naming him the King in Poo only gets you 'Oh, okay'. Genetics: Passing out powers is fun, but I always get murdered for some reason. WHY KILL YOUR GOLDEN GOOSE YOU FOOL? *weep

I dunno. Maybe I just don't sell things enough? Or people don't like me? I can be an ass I guess. I see some people push very simple things to grand success; I guess that's 'charisma' for you. Whatever it is, I ain't got that.

Well, most people tend to play this as a 'challenge to one's self' or a 'let's see how much I can get done in a round'. We've grown to expect nobody giving a shit, so we take to amusing ourselves first, and others only if attention grows naturally. Is this a bad thing? Should we change? It'd take a lot of overreaching in game design to force us to do so, so it's best if it's a social movement that we push. That is, if it even needs changing.

Og god, I'm rablin'. I ramble on when I'm tired. Oh shit. I really am getting old. frown

RE: More jobs interdependencies - Frank_Stein - 02-11-2016

I think the problem is largely based on work flow. Anyone who has something to do tends to focus on their work and doesn't want to break away from it, or doesn't want to expose themselves to risk and ruin their round.

My advice is to treat the game like a massive improv. Whenever someone asks you if you'd like a drink, a haircut, to buy something, or to check out something, just agree to it and see where they go with it.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - atamusvaleo - 02-12-2016

Wow. A lot of great ideas and points have been raised in this thread so far. I'll do my best not to poop on that.

So far as the original post goes, I support all of it with the exception of the new floorbot. Perhaps someone had just discovered it but there was a solid period of time where tiles were being replaced with something to make you teleport nearby whenever you walked on them. It was only used in small patches but it was awfully frustrating to deal with and replace even that small affected area. Having this automated would lend itself to a level of grief beyond anything I'd be interested in dealing with. Moving on...

Vitatroll and Frank_Stein are hitting the nail on the head for implementing this and having it be embraced and used on station.

It's changing people's mentality when they play this game from one of "I've got this great idea that needs to be executed at all costs" to "I'm going to attempt this and see where it goes."

It's a change that I noticed taking place with overall gameplay on Destiny; however, there are definitely a few folks who play chiefly on cog2 who are in the right frame of mind for it. I, myself, can be guilty of the get it done game play at times but make an earnest effort to allow myself to be swept up in the chaos that every round seems to bring.

All in all, yes to your ideas, yes to what people are saying goes, and -- finally -- get more players on Destiny, dang it! I'm tired of being alone on the ship all of the time: I'm getting space madness.

RE: More jobs interdependencies - Haprenti - 02-13-2016

Make the floor tile cart refuse dangerous floor tile types (icy, radioactive, teleporting, or plasma generating) unless emagged, like hyposprays, and/or, for teleporting tiles, have them teleport less often.