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Destiny: Centcom Jobs - Printable Version

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Destiny: Centcom Jobs - BaneOfGiygas - 12-18-2015

Brought up in a conversation with a friend, this is an idea to get people more into actually doing their jobs on Destiny as well as spicing up the events of the game in general! Throughout the course of a round, various departments or specific positions might get a message from Centcom saying that they need some sort of specific task filled, with a potential reward (a salary boost, maybe some kind of fancy job-specific item like the NecroScan upgrade for the medical cloner) as incentive.

As examples, the research team may get a random shipment of alien artifacts to tinker with, and if they're able to activate all of the shipped artifacts within a particular frame of time, they get a reward in addition to being able to use the artifacts for whatever shenanigans they like. Alternatively, Centcom could require shipments of some kind of chemical, or perhaps an extraction mission from one of the telesci zones. QM could be tasked with making a certain level of profit within a particular timeframe, miners might be asked for shipments of special metals, security might have to deal with an incoming Syndicate drone swarm, and so on and so forth. Nothing huge and extravagant, but little things for the crew to interact with and gain reward from.

Re: Destiny: Centcom Jobs - Nnystyxx - 12-18-2015

I like the idea of this a lot, actually. Kind of like a Crew Objective thing with ramifications during the round, rather than after.