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Let ghosts be able to hear things around observed folks - Printable Version

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Let ghosts be able to hear things around observed folks - Berrik - 12-17-2015

Dunno why this isn't a thing already; currently when you observe someone while a ghost, you can't hear anything around someone until you un-observe and return to being a free ghost again.

Re: Let ghosts be able to hear things around observed folks - Ed Venture - 01-04-2016

I can't understand why it's not a thing either. Also while we are talking about hearing people while dead. Currently you cannot hear anything when observing a wizard including the wizard himself. Seems like a bug but it seems related. It's rather annoying when I want to watch some antag and can't hear anything they are saying or what the crew is saying over the radio.

Re: Let ghosts be able to hear things around observed folks - Zamujasa - 01-05-2016

This also includes objects like the ouija board and nuke, if you're observing those things you can't hear anything at all.

RE: Let ghosts be able to hear things around observed folks - Ed Venture - 01-22-2016

Bumping this thread as this still is not fixed as when you observe the following Players, The Nuke and Ouija Board the entire game goes mute. You can't hear sound effects and just as bad as all of that the normal chat refuse to update. So if you want to watch someone you get completely fucked if you want to stay updated though the chat. Why is this still a thing? This issue has been around for well almost a year now and we've heard nothing on why it happens and if anything is going to be done about it. It's seriously frustrating. I hate to sound rude but COME ON! Please someone fix this I'm begging you.

Also the radio chat still updates but that's it. As a ghost when watching someone you should still be able to see all forms of chat.

Here is another thread back in August requesting this change as well.

I don't remember it always doing this I honestly feel like it's a bug gone unchecked.