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Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Printable Version

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Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Vitatroll - 10-09-2015

I'm sure this has been suggested before but I couldn't find the topic.

My suggestion would be putting an actuator in the vendomat. A prox/actuator or RSD/actuator could then be attached to a crate or locker, which could then be opened or closed by these methods.

I just thought it'd be another neat cog in the machine.

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Carlarc - 10-11-2015

Don't see the use for this?

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Dabir - 10-11-2015

Just cause you don't doesn't mean nobody will. This seems cool.

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - thirtiethelement - 10-11-2015

I can think of roughly ten different uses that all involve mass chaos at the press of a button. I'm down for this idea.

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Winklabom - 10-11-2015

I see plenty of use for this idea.

One of which would be to fill a locker with dozens of armed monkeys, lock it, place it near EVA with a bait monkey outside.

Wait until someone attacks the monkey for shits and giggles, and then remotely unlock/open the locker to unleash ape justice. Absolutely riveting.

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - Zadeon - 10-11-2015

Have a setting for the actuator that is either send or receive. If send then whenever the crate is opened it will send a signal to the other device attached to it remote signaling device (since no other device actual benefits from receiving a signal). If receive the it waits for a signal from the device connected to it. This way we could have crates/lockers send a signal when opened to activate something else as well.

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - BaneOfGiygas - 10-12-2015

Can you say "remote space bears"?

Re: Remote Locker/Crate Operation - BlackPhoenix - 10-13-2015

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:"remote space bears"?
All the reasoning you will ever need.