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Replace the "X buckles in" message... - Printable Version

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Replace the "X buckles in" message... - Winklabom - 09-25-2015

...with "X sits on the chair" when you want to sit on a chair because it makes no sense to me that every single chair has a seatbelt.

The only exception should be the shuttle seats, obviously.

Re: Replace the "X buckles in" message... - Vunterslaush - 09-25-2015

It does make sense that every chair has a seat belt even if there is gravity. We are in space after all.

Re: Replace the "X buckles in" message... - Winklabom - 09-25-2015

Yeah, but we're not floating about inside the station though.

Re: Replace the "X buckles in" message... - salix_catus - 09-29-2015

Maybe the jumpsuits clip to the chair? I guess if you arent wearing one then no buckling should happen.

Re: Replace the "X buckles in" message... - Winklabom - 09-29-2015

Most of the chairs can be folded and the others are office chairs with wheels.

I don't personally see how buckling into them would even protect you in space since they'd just be flung across the station in the event of a gravity failure.