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Random locking - Printable Version

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Random locking - Wibbleworth - 09-14-2015

Ever since that I've been on SS13 lately, sometimes the game grinds to a halt and freezes without a message saying anything about experiencing lag or the sort.

When I boot up the game again, it's a white screen and (just for about a second) the audio can be heard before the game crashes. I've exiting/restarting the BYOND client and nothing seems to work until the round is over in the game, where I can join in again without problems before it decides to do everything all over again by its own will.

Could this be an update that doesn't like my computer, or something else?

Re: Random locking - Wire - 09-14-2015

Byond version. OS. Internet Explorer version (might as well).

Details matter.

Re: Random locking - Wibbleworth - 09-14-2015

Wire Wrote:Details matter.

Version is 508.1299, OS is Windows 8.

Going to update old IE and see if it helps...

Re: Random locking - DrBomb - 11-17-2015

The same happens to me, it crashes when the map loads. Sometimes after many tries it runs again for a while

Windows 7, Iexplore 8, byond 508.1299

Re: Random locking - somepotato - 11-17-2015

For one why are you using such an out of date IE version; and for two is software rendering on? If not, I think this issue will be resolved in the next version of BYOND.

Re: Random locking - DrBomb - 11-20-2015

1. Because I never worried about updating it!
2. Hardware rendering is checked on byond, i don't know if you mean that.

I'll update internet explorer to see if it's the culprit