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Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - Printable Version

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Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - BaneOfGiygas - 09-02-2015

See title. I was doing genetic testing, injected one of the monkeys with an Unstable Refraction injector, then suddenly it was gone and I couldn't click it and it wouldn't come back. Kind of a pain in the ass.

Re: Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - Vunterslaush - 09-03-2015

Did you try a pair of thermal goggles?

Re: Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - BaneOfGiygas - 09-03-2015

I didn't think to at the time, though I'm sure they would've worked, as would X-Ray Vision. When I say "vanish forever" I just mean that the invisibility of Unstable Refraction activates and doesn't deactivate, or at the very least doesn't deactivate for a really long-ass time.

Re: Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - Noah Buttes - 09-03-2015

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:I didn't think to at the time, though I'm sure they would've worked, as would X-Ray Vision. When I say "vanish forever" I just mean that the invisibility of Unstable Refraction activates and doesn't deactivate, or at the very least doesn't deactivate for a really long-ass time.

It's more an issue with the gene itself than its interaction with monkeys.

The same thing happens with humans.

It's almost like having an old style cloaker, but without the ability to disrupt the cloak, nor the requirement of spending telecrystals on it.

Re: Unstable Refraction makes monkeys vanish forever - BaneOfGiygas - 09-04-2015

Huh. I just assumed it was specific to monkeys, due to the recent change in monkeycode. I'll do some testing and see if this is the case with humans, too.