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Allow using a PDA instead of a ID in machines and vendors. - Printable Version

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Allow using a PDA instead of a ID in machines and vendors. - Erik - 09-02-2015

Currently, if you want to use your ID with a vendor, machine, or anything else that accepts a ID, you are required to take your ID out of your PDA, swipe your ID and do your thing, could this be changed to allow a PDA? So we dont have to take our PDA out? Ugh, that button...

Re: Allow using a PDA instead of a ID in machines and vendor - Frank_Stein - 09-02-2015

Some machines actually do this, where you can just whack it with a PDA with the ID in. Other things that require you to insert the ID do not.

I'm all for just having wacking things with an ID loaded PDA working all around. You can explain it as the PDA having a built in card reader that transmits the authentication code to the required machine through wireless signals. That's probably handy for hackers, somehow?

Re: Allow using a PDA instead of a ID in machines and vendor - Naximous - 09-02-2015

"Remove ID" verb. Anyone?