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A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Printable Version

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A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - robertGN - 08-19-2015

I had a shower thought recently, and it said "Wouldn't it be cool if goonstation had a antagonist tutorial for each antagonist on the server?"
After that shower, I thought I should try and actually do a video series on new player's first rounds as a goonstation antagonist!

But, for me to attempt such a task, I may need your help as the community of space station 13: answer my questions!

What antagonists did you have the MOST trouble with?
What were your first problems when starting your job as a antagonist? How did your round go?
What are some tips you would give to a new player in search of a guiding hand? (Aside from simply mentorhelping their problems.)
Are there any crucial topics you think really need to be covered? (Rules, mentorhelp for when confused, etc.)

I really do plan on doing this, and your answers may help make ss13 a more approachable game in general!

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - BaneOfGiygas - 08-20-2015

Nuke ops, full stop. Traitoring is pretty easy for beginning to get a hold of, is a bit esoteric but isn't anything some practice can't fix, but nuke ops is the one thing that always manages to catch me off guard and usually results in my bumbling about doing absolutely nothing in particular until the round ends. An explanation on the contents of the Syndicate Shuttle and Listening Post, as well as a bit of insight as to the mission you're on and the gear with which you'll be doing that mission, would go a long way in alleviating the absolute clusterfuck that most nuke ops rounds start with.

I could go into further detail on this but it's two in the morning so that post will have to wait for another day.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Dr_Bee - 08-20-2015

Nuke ops is probably the most hard to get right for newbies. vampire is a close second as it is rather hard to use with how screwed you can get if you get found out.

for nuke ops maybe have some suggested attack plans available in the syndicate shuttle so that the team can maybe use pre-made plan A,B or C OR come up with their own.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Vitatroll - 08-20-2015

Yeah. Nuke Ops could really use some light. It's the easiest to screw up, or if not that, then it carries the most weight when you screw up.

Tater is bread and butter. Nothing really needed here, as a lot of it comes from creativity. Maybe tips for subverting the AI/stealing the NNP as that seems to have the highest difficulty for most people.

Ling.. basics tend to be the tripping point, like 'take off the mask', how to eat someone, or how station weapons affect lings and their abilities.

Wizards can't really be taught unless you want people to go about with the same MO. Simple tips like keeping your telescroll active would probably save a lot of headaches I guess. Or reminding people that going into the chapel or against the chaplain is a bad idea.

A vamp's basic tips are game mechanics "Don't go into space, don't go into the chapel, and for Heaven's sake don't nom on the chaplain; do all of this and you'll be fine." Well, also staying quiet until you get enough blood is fairly important.

Blobs have a nifty tutorial, so the only thing they could use are simple tips like utilizing the rapid expansion or suggestions on basic cell choices. People really don't build enough ribos.

Wraith is wraith. It could use some tips because it's so rare, but most of it is pretty easy to figure out unless someone gets one with their fish medal.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Noah Buttes - 08-20-2015

Nuke ops is really the only one worth making a video tutorial for.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Spy_Guy - 08-20-2015

This seems both good + fun to watch.

I will be available Sunday evening to assist in recording a pilot, if you are ready.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - BaneOfGiygas - 08-20-2015

Spy_Guy Wrote:This seems both good + fun to watch.

I will be available Sunday evening to assist in recording a pilot, if you are ready.
I would like to audition for the role of "confused bystander who gets an RPG to the face".

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - pnutz - 08-20-2015

Vitatroll Wrote:Ling.. basics tend to be the tripping point, like 'take off the mask', how to eat someone, or how station weapons affect lings and their abilities.

there are a fair number of "oh why didn't you do x" things that you end up learning of in deadchat too, like eg pressing resist to drop cuffs (when people only think you're a normal traitor this can be crucial versus going bananas) or what to do when sarin'd (I got stuck permanently vomiting and regenerating and was eventually gibbed by a large crowd). At the very least, the resist-to-pop-cuffs thing is in the wiki now.

a redsuit tutorial can only be a good thing, if it helps minimise the amounts of I-hate-redsuits spergs who rush a braindead captain and blow up the station in under 5 minutes before even their colleagues have finished loading up, which I believe the new "bring the bomb to the station" method was supposed to help solve. Dunno if I would be online for role auditioning, but I could always volunteer to be that dude on the team who takes forever to decide on loadout and then walks straight into ol' harner on the catwalks before even getting on board

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - robertGN - 08-21-2015

Spy_Guy Wrote:This seems both good + fun to watch.

I will be available Sunday evening to assist in recording a pilot, if you are ready.
If you want to help, sure! But I am not quite in recording anything yet, renewing license in quite a bit of software lately.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Spy_Guy - 08-21-2015

robertmanbob Wrote:
Spy_Guy Wrote:This seems both good + fun to watch.

I will be available Sunday evening to assist in recording a pilot, if you are ready.
If you want to help, sure! But I am not quite in recording anything yet, renewing license in quite a bit of software lately.

I am in no hurry smile

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - BlackPhoenix - 08-21-2015

Can I volunteer to be "that shitty security who runs around with thermals trying to catch all traitors before they can actually get started"?

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Kayle7 - 08-28-2015

I agree with all others and say nuke ops should be your pilot episode! It was always the hardest for me to get. Most people like to work with stealth, and nuke ops doesn't really give that option unless you know a few tricks.

I think somehow it's the shyness people get, or the nervousness of starting an attack, or the fear of getting beat in a fight they started or something. But I definitely remember how I felt during my first few nuke rounds. Now I love em, so your video should help other people to Learn To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb smile

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie - PenguinsMeep - 08-28-2015

If you are a vampire or changeling you can actually be friendly. You can just negotiate with people so you scan them into the cloner, eat them or drink them and then clone them.

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - robertGN - 08-28-2015

I'm not sure i'll be able to get all the things together that I need to record and edit this kind of videos. I would love to be able too, but this may not be able to happen frown

Re: A new player's antagonist tutorial? Wowie! - Vitatroll - 08-28-2015

I can understand that, for sure. I tried to record video once, thinking it would go smoothly. I mean, it's just SS13, right?

Laptop says, "Nope."

Even at low def it choked my laptop. SS13 did. *weep