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Toughen up floors - Printable Version

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Toughen up floors - Sex_Robot - 08-11-2015

With the new atmos changes, the tiniest explosion can cripple an entire station with a combination of lightning fast 02 damage with the temp drop slowing you down can mean that you get held in place as the vacuum drags you back as fast as you walk away meaning that death is a given. An Antag with an implanted bomb which detonates when they die can open a single tile. It can result in a pile of antag stuff in a blast radius surrounded by 2-3 people all dead from 02. A hole outside medbay pretty much means that nobody is getting to medbay. It wouldn't be so bad if repairing floor holes wasn't so hit and miss and repressurising worked properly.

Re: Toughen up floors - wharrgarbl - 08-12-2015

engineers have rarely ever given a shit about repairing the station, now they have a reason to care

Re: Toughen up floors - atomic1fire - 08-13-2015

I think it would be a not bad idea if certain parts of the station were reinforced.

e.g Security, bridge, maybe medbay are more explosion resistant, so traitor's have to make either bigger bombs, or just blow up areas more creatively, like rather then blowing up medbay, you blow up everything next to medbay to get the same effect.

If it wasn't a lag creating thing, maybe the floors along security, medbay, or bridge could have reinforced structs under the tiles that have to be cut in order to make blowing them up easier. Get some staff assistant nerd to break in with a pair of wire cutters, cut them and then suicide bomb. Mindslave saboteurs.

Re: Toughen up floors - BaneOfGiygas - 08-13-2015

Yeah, if we can have reinforced walls, it only makes sense for reinforced floors to be an option, a la test chamber floors.

Re: Toughen up floors - Zebri - 08-13-2015

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Yeah, if we can have reinforced walls, it only makes sense for reinforced floors to be an option, a la test chamber floors.

Reinforcing tileless floors with rods is very similar to the test chamber floors from what i've seen

Re: Toughen up floors - Dabir - 08-13-2015

Yeah you can actually create reinforced floors. Crowbar up the tile and use rods on the plating underneath.

Re: Toughen up floors - atomic1fire - 08-13-2015

I dunno if you can cut the rods from reinforced floors though.

Re: Toughen up floors - Zebri - 08-13-2015

atomic1fire Wrote:I dunno if you can cut the rods from reinforced floors though.

You can use a wrench on the reinforced floor to remove them. It's not instantaneous though, it takes around 2 seconds.