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Erebite Pipebombs - Printable Version

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Erebite Pipebombs - Houka - 06-24-2015

Hi. Erebite pipe bombs are shit. Why? Well...

One day, erebite pipe bombs were added to the game, as part of a suggestion someone made upon seeing info in the traitor menu about the syndie pipebomb containing erebite. This was added alongside plasmastone and black powder, and made pipe bombs interesting and more fun to make and actually use, and wasn't TOO broken because the dang things require patience and resources to make.

Then they added the material system, and pipe bombs could be made from any material. Someone, for whatever reason, decided to remove the ability to shove erebite/plasmastone ore into the pipebomb and created the ability to make erebite+black powder pipebombs... in theory.

In practice, erebite pipe bombs explode from EVERY SINGLE FUCKING STEP of making them now because of how the material reacts to being smacked with a welding tool, wires and the explosive additive, rendering them completely frustrating to make and not worth the expenditure of effort, especially since they require being very careful not to blow up any extra pipe frames, sheets or chunks of ore in a chain reaction that'll fucking blow arms off even in industrial armor. They might even just blow themselves up and destroy the materials up to that point. Not only that, when a pipe bomb is MADE of erebite, it has a chance of just straight-up popping like a normal erebite chunk when thrown instead of exploding like an actual pipebomb, FURTHER rendering it less valuable than just using plasmastone or plain metal.

Please change this in some way so we can actually use erebite pipe bombs again, I understand it's a volatile material but you might as well just make a bunch of pipe frames and throw those instead of the finished pipe bomb for how much value you get out of these things.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - Vitatroll - 06-24-2015

I was laughing my ass of when Marq (I think it was Jesus) was testing these. So many explosions for a single explosion. I agree it's ridiculous. I don't see any practical application for an erebite pipebomb. I'm not sure it needs to be practical.

That being said. I like the change to pipe bombs. It's now a combo effect of chemical and frame. This is far better than just shoving rocks in a tube and saying 'lol it explodes'. If I needed something better than steel/bp I'd go with ps/NI3. Those shouldn't give too much trouble.

I dunno. Maybe upping the power of the erebite pipebomb? I like that it's stupidly hard to make, but I think you should be properly rewarded with more than bragging rights for the associated difficulty and accepted stupidity of welding fucking erebite. TTVs only require access and logistics. Horrible chembombs require a pod and a little know-how. Hellthrowers are the same. If I remember how eb/bp pipebombs were, the damage didn't come close to any of those.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - Paineframe - 06-25-2015

Using a bomb to blown up an explosive doesn't always make for a bigger boom! Considering how easy erebite is to get, and how devastatingly destructive it already is - especially if you manage to successfully arc smelt it - I'm really just fine with its explosive power not shooting through the roof just because you managed to smack smelted erebite with such hard-to-find items as weldfuel and a welder.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - atomic1fire - 06-25-2015

Rather then just "a big boom" maybe there could be a different effect from using an erebite pipebomb.

For instance a cool explosion animation, or randomly exploding shrapnel.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - Vitatroll - 06-25-2015

atomic1fire Wrote:Rather then just "a big boom" maybe there could be a different effect from using an erebite pipebomb.

For instance a cool explosion animation, or randomly exploding shrapnel.
I like either one of those better than a bigger explosion.

My memory is hazy regarding that night. I could have mixed up one of the other tests in my head. It also could have been changed since then. I shouldn't have suggested more power when I didn't have reliable data. Still, for the pain that it is to make, it would be nice for it to be 'special'.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - Houka - 06-25-2015

Whether or not the explosion size is a concern for you guys, my concern isn't that and more how stupidly difficult it is to finish one of these and then properly use it for comparatively minimal reward. I don't really care what kind of bonus it would get, I just think it needs to be tweaked to actually be worth making.

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - APARTHEID - 06-25-2015

Chemical reagent: erebite sand. Because I want erebite in my erebite pipebomb. crossarms

Re: Erebite Pipebombs - atomic1fire - 06-26-2015

Another balance thing to make erebite more worth using would be to give the instability rating a tie into pipebomb making.

Stable alloys easier to work with, but instable alloys make for bigger or cooler explosions. Like for instance shrapnal that could explode while inside you.

Mix the two for the desired amount of deadly but not accidentally drop it and it explodes deadly.