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Dead people can rotate their bodies - Printable Version

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Dead people can rotate their bodies - Pigbear1 - 06-07-2015

If you are inside your body, and you click in a direction, your body will turn to face said direction
i don't know what to think of this

Re: Dead people can rotate their bodies - vampirate - 06-08-2015

This sounds like a feature.

Re: Dead people can rotate their bodies - Nurdock - 06-08-2015

vampirate Wrote:This sounds like a feature.
The ability to literally turn in your grave sounds like a feature to me too.

Rotating your body while down/dead - Purdie - 08-28-2015

If you click in a direction next to you when downed or dead and unable to move otherwise, you rotate your body.

Re: Rotating your body while down/dead - Purdie - 08-28-2015

Delete this, the search bar on Bug Reports didn't search Features or any other subforum, sorry.

Re: Rotating your body while down/dead - Huff H Law - 08-29-2015