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Toxins Ideas - RoboTek - 01-28-2013

Toxins is only useful for making bombs. This seems silly. Here are some ideas about how Toxins could be more interesting,

New Gasses, deploy-able to fix station problems. Gasses are generated at Toxins. Gasses could transform into new gasses at varying temperatures/situations. Gasses are injected into the chamber by the current system + A high energy 'Gas Synthesizer'. This Synthesizer gradually adds basic gasses up to a maximum pressure of 1080. It consumes huge amounts of power. If doing this as a constant process is too hard, there could be a button to 'flash combine' gasses.

Example Recipes:
CO2+N20+Heat=Flame suppressing gas that is breathable.
C02+Nitrogen at 1000 pressure=Lethargazine (slows everyone in area on contact with skin).
Oxygen+Catalyst at 0 degrees=High density Oxygen (breathable at lower concentrations, perhaps more flammable).
High Density Oxygen+N20+Plasma= ROR Gas (heals everyone breathing it very slowly).
Plasma+Oxygen+C02 = Necrotizing Gas (Damages everyone slowly, unless they have a space suit).
Plasma+NO2+Catalyst = Spaceatinne Gas (Is addictive to everyone breathing it).
Plasma+CO2+Catalyst = High Density Plasma Gas (More flammable than normal plasma)
High Density Plasma + High Density Oxygen = Fuel-Air Explosive. Chain explodes in regions that hit beyond a certain pressure.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Cogwerks - 01-28-2013

Big chain explosions are a quick recipe for server death.

Re: Toxins Ideas - david2222121 - 01-28-2013

I'm not familiar with how SS13's atmos programming works, so I dont know if we can even add in gasses that make you high or heal you. If we can though, this seems like it'd be pretty fun to implement along with the mix testing that Cogstation will have.

I would also love to try making a bomb with that heavy plasma, and see what it'd do.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Archenteron - 01-28-2013

Toxins is going to have a secondary purpose on Cogmap to work with Engineering for the combustion engine.

Re: Toxins Ideas - neogeo0823 - 01-29-2013

I kind of like the basic idea behind having different gas recipes. Definitely not the chain exploding one, but the others seem pretty neat.

What about a gas mixture that solubilizes certain chemicals and mixtures into the gas, thus transferring certain properties to the gas. It would work a bit like smoke. Add alcohol to make people breathing the air drunk. Add various medicines to make the air heal like that medicine.

Add metal shavings to make an on-contact metal cube. Make some girders and floor latices in space, spray them with the gas, and you get instant semi-weak floor and walls. Great for quickly patching station breaches.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Cogwerks - 01-29-2013

neogeo0823 Wrote:I kind of like the basic idea behind having different gas recipes. Definitely not the chain exploding one, but the others seem pretty neat.

What about a gas mixture that solubilizes certain chemicals and mixtures into the gas, thus transferring certain properties to the gas. It would work a bit like smoke. Add alcohol to make people breathing the air drunk. Add various medicines to make the air heal like that medicine.

Add metal shavings to make an on-contact metal cube. Make some girders and floor latices in space, spray them with the gas, and you get instant semi-weak floor and walls. Great for quickly patching station breaches.

Metal foam already does that.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Nightgunner5 - 01-29-2013

neogeo0823 Wrote:What about a gas mixture that solubilizes certain chemicals and mixtures into the gas, thus transferring certain properties to the gas. It would work a bit like smoke. Add alcohol to make people breathing the air drunk. Add various medicines to make the air heal like that medicine.
Fill the sauna with bath salts in gas form

Re: Toxins Ideas - david2222121 - 01-29-2013

neogeo0823 Wrote:What about a gas mixture that solubilizes certain chemicals and mixtures into the gas, thus transferring certain properties to the gas. It would work a bit like smoke. Add alcohol to make people breathing the air drunk. Add various medicines to make the air heal like that medicine.

So like a longer acting, less intense form of smoking various chemicals. I dunno, it seems like it would be an interesting idea if Cogs and The Koding Krew could get it to work, but it seems way too rife for grief with not that much potential for help.

I mean, I can see me as the RD making this mix to spread Leporazine to the crew so even the assistants can space adventure with ~~science~~, but there are simply too many opportunities to add neurotoxin, cryptobiolin, and other nasty gunk that outweigh it's use.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Cogwerks - 01-29-2013

Yeah, I really can't see that ever being a good idea. More trace gas stuff is in the works for various pollutants, but not reagent->gas. Too much bullshit would ensue.

Re: Toxins Ideas - RoboTek - 01-29-2013

The specifics of the ideas are up to debate. I only included the explosive one as an example.

The larger idea is that the 'Atmosphere' of a given location is an interesting variable that no job currently toys with. Atmospherics, as generally implemented, isn't actually that interesting because it it is basically one variable - breathable or not. By making gasses that have more influences over 'zones' more interesting effects can occur.

Things like Changling-away gas that harms humans slightly but harms changlings much more. Effective counters to fire. Safety alterations. These things could add new an interesting variables to the station as a whole.

On the new station there could even be ports for emergency pressurization of areas making this more useful. Removing the easy murder of old-school atmospherics alterations while making potentially new ways to grief or help if inventive.

Re: Toxins Ideas - Cogwerks - 01-29-2013

Already got that actually, there are emergency repressurization ports for the bridge, brig, courtroom, crew quarters, bar, escape hall, and public market.

Gonna have to say no to changeling-away gas though, that doesn't sound fun, it just sounds annoying.

Re: Toxins Ideas - neogeo0823 - 01-29-2013

david2222121 Wrote:So like a longer acting, less intense form of smoking various chemicals. I dunno, it seems like it would be an interesting idea if Cogs and The Koding Krew could get it to work, but it seems way too rife for grief with not that much potential for help.

I mean, I can see me as the RD making this mix to spread Leporazine to the crew so even the assistants can space adventure with ~~science~~, but there are simply too many opportunities to add neurotoxin, cryptobiolin, and other nasty gunk that outweigh it's use.

I'll agree with you, the fear of adding napalm, neurotoxin, etc. etc. is completely valid, but isn't that what the oxy scrubbers are for? One particular room has people going blind and passing out(or spontaneously combusting, in the case of napalm) once they've been in there for a few minutes? Drag a scrubber in there and let it filter out the shit in the air.

Now that I think of it though, adding napalm to the air would be a marvelous way for someone to do that The Devil gimmick that I hear about every once in a while.

Besides that, a changeling filling a small room with neurotoxin and luring unsuspecting people into it with conversation until they pass out is pretty clever. I couldn't foresee it being used in large, crowded areas though; the amount of toxin needed to make it effective would be really huge.

Re: Toxins Ideas - CrowdControl - 02-03-2013

Rather than have a binary Reagent-> reagent gas. Why not just have specific reagents when "combined" with a specific gas create a second white-listed gas. You could get some of the more interesting gasses in the op without the worry of tons of griefing.

It could give chemists more reasons to try to collect all sorts of reagents to see if they can be gassified. More dangerous gasses (Plasma and CO2 are pretty damn dangerous, shouldn't be anything too much more nasty) would be made out of hard to get reagents. And would expand the experimentation aspect of toxins especially when trying to develop better hot/cold loop gasses.

THe other thing would be having gasses react with a reagent or fire to remove them entirely so if cogs adds those trace gasses he was hinting at we could burn off the oxygen and catalyze the co2 out of the air to end up with a more concentrated product.

Re: Toxins Ideas - bladex454 - 02-05-2013

For the sake of my grammar habits I will make this short.
Have a fail safe that detects dangerous chems being made and neutralizes it. Therefor you'd need to hack said failsafe the original way or with an emag

Re: Toxins Ideas - david2222121 - 02-06-2013

IF we ever bother to add reagent gas, I would prefer the whitelist of chemicals rather than requiring the traitor to have an emag. This really feels like chem grenades all over again for me, and being a terrible, terrible chemist myself, I know it would get abused horribly.

I see napalm gas as different from, say, a hacked hypospray full of napalm in two main ways. For one, people know who's doing it right away with the big huge letters screaming that you are a terrible person for everyone to see, and that maybe they should apply a fire extinguisher liberally to your face. By making people breath napalm, there's no way of knowing who they need to murder.

Second, it affects way too many people for the effort involved. Whip the gas up, get it into the system, and watch everyone's lungs get set on fire. I can see this happening round after round and that simply is no fun for anyone.

tl;dr even requiring an emag free-reign reagent gas is a Bad Idea.