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Remove the all-access living objects have - Printable Version

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Remove the all-access living objects have - Takov - 05-07-2015

Currently living objects can somehow open any door.
Could this be removed or just limited to common doors and perhaps maintenance? Maybe make exceptions for actual ID Cards?

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Vunterslaush - 05-07-2015

Much like anything animated by a wraith or anima, all other critters have all access. I've come to just accept that this is a thing, but it can be 100% a pain in the ass when trying to fight a wraith and find that you need to heal.

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Frank_Stein - 05-07-2015

Make it so that animated ID cards will go and open doors for other things

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Cirrial - 05-07-2015

That sounds like an amazing sight to behold that would immediately start getting old very, very fast. Or, I guess, lead to strategic changes in terms of which items to animate and which items are higher priority to destroy.

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Sundance - 05-07-2015

Yeah I agree. If a levitating scalpel can open a door then a levitating clown should be able to the same thing (it wont)

But yeah a levitating id should do it. Also skeletons should be able to pry open doors, as currently they're not that great.

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Roomba - 05-07-2015

I think it's fine as it is, it gives you a sense of urgency in dealing with living items. If you want to not be followed carry a welder around and/or yell at the AI to bolt doors shut behind you.

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - Noah Buttes - 05-07-2015

Not being able to open doors would hinder the usefulness of living items far too much in my opinion.

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - UrsulaMejor - 05-07-2015

compromise: let them slowly bash doors open

Re: Remove the all-access living objects have - salix_catus - 05-08-2015

Doesn't the wraith decay ability fit anywhere into this discussion?