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Hairgrownium does nothing! - Printable Version

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Hairgrownium does nothing! - Broodlines - 05-01-2015

This stuff is broke im p sure, Tried applying it to a friend and it did not cure baldness even if injected and drinked.

Re: Hairgrownium does nothing! - Vunterslaush - 05-01-2015

This is something i've been meaning to report. Its really sad that this doesn't work anymore.

Re: Hairgrownium does nothing! - Dauntasa - 05-01-2015

on the subject of chemicals that do nothing I took some eye damage from welding and shit earlier and drank 20 bottles of Orange Aid and had several hundred units of oculine pass through my system without fixing it

Re: Hairgrownium does nothing! - Dauntasa - 05-01-2015

Also for hairgrownium: If you have hair, it makes you hair grow, but if you're bald you stay bald.

I noticed this when someone forcibly shaved my head and I ate hairgrownium and stayed bald but grew a huge beard