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make combat harder - Printable Version

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make combat harder - OMJ - 01-20-2013

Stuns come way too easily and I think its dumb that a punch can knock down someone longer that a knocked unconsious via oxy tank. Reduce the likelihood for stuns/ KOs but keep damage values the same. Enough letting people being bailed out by a lucky roll, this isn't 2007

Re: make combat harder - Cogwerks - 01-20-2013

Yeah, KO and stun times probably ought to be lowered and stuns shouldn't make you drop what you're holding.

Re: make combat harder - mbc - 01-21-2013

While this would be a bit of codework, I think making weapons a tiny bit different could make fighting more interesting.

So you know how weapons like the cyalume saber can hit the floor when you click the floor?
Make every weapon do that, and then make it so that when you hit the floor / some non-mob, you get a bigger 'next swing' delay.

So if you land a hit, then you'd be able to swing again quicker than the guy who missed.

Not really sure if this would actually be better, but just an idea

Re: make combat harder - Dauntasa - 01-21-2013

OMJ Wrote:Stuns come way too easily and I think its dumb that a punch can knock down someone longer that a knocked unconsious via oxy tank. Reduce the likelihood for stuns/ KOs but keep damage values the same. Enough letting people being bailed out by a lucky roll, this isn't 2007
RIP, successful traitors. 4ever in are hearts

Re: make combat harder - CaptainBravo - 01-21-2013

Dauntasa Wrote:
OMJ Wrote:Stuns come way too easily and I think its dumb that a punch can knock down someone longer that a knocked unconsious via oxy tank. Reduce the likelihood for stuns/ KOs but keep damage values the same. Enough letting people being bailed out by a lucky roll, this isn't 2007
RIP, successful traitors. 4ever in are hearts

it works the other way too, and it's not super fun getting knocked out in one punch by some guy you've sleepypenned because he just knows what the yawning means.

Re: make combat harder - CaptainBravo - 01-21-2013

dabble pots.

one thing i absolutely hate about the punching system in general is that you can only kick someone once you've winded them/stunned them/knocked them out. not a big deal when you knock them out because you can run away or beat their heads in with something else, but winding them gives them the advantage of the first punch once it wears off most of the time. i'd be lying if i said it's not a knockout often enough to matter.

so with that said i'd like to propose that people be able to punch someone when that person is just winded or stunned, that the winded message is slightly less common, and that the stun and knockout messages are far less common. winding someone should make the stun message a bit more common than it is now, and stunning someone should make the knockout message a bit more common.

Re: make combat harder - Klayboxx - 01-21-2013

I agree but fuck you omj i like it howit is now www

Re: make combat harder - Timelimit - 01-21-2013

I agree, really sucks when you're fighting an unarmed guy and he knocks you out with a single punch, and you're down for what feels like 5 minutes.

Re: make combat harder - mbc - 01-21-2013

I just had another weird idea. I thought of this because I always thought that the combat system of 'click on the other guy a bunch!!!' never really fit the game too well, because the combat should probably be more about the weapons and movement than it is about abusing the movement system to click on someone and not let them click on you. (high-precision clicking on moving objects, i feel, doesn't really have a big place in ss13)

What if clicking to attack was removed altogether, and instead if you wanted to hit someone, you would walk/run into them.

If you walk into someone, you kind of automatically swing your weapon at them, and the game stops you from walking for a few ticks. This makes it so that a player 'commits' more to a swing, and swinging a weapon is a much more controlled, reliable action.

Now, here's where the movement trickery comes in, that could make things interesting:

If you walk into someone who is facing you, depending on what weapon they are using, they have a chance to block/disarm/evade the attack. In this situation, the player who is on the receiving end of the attack will have less lagging time on their 'block' move, so they could potentially use the time in which the opponent is vulnerable to deliver a stronger attack.

If you bump into someone from the side, you have a much higher chance of getting a good hit.

If you bump into someone from the back, that's a nice hit! Maybe it has more of a chance to KO/do high amounts of damage.


Re: make combat harder - Darkgenerallord - 01-21-2013

So...Your trying to make us into berserkers? I like the idea and all,but tasers would get buggy,and our ling manhunts would get owned.

Re: make combat harder - Readster - 01-21-2013

MyBlueCorners Wrote:What if clicking to attack was removed altogether, and instead if you wanted to hit someone, you would walk/run into them.

Greyshirt Joe runs into Captain Pubbie
Greyshirt Joe punches Captain Pubbie in the chest
Greyshirt Joe flees the scene
Greyshirt Joe runs into Sec officer Pubbie
Greyshirt Joe punches Sec officer Pubbie in the chest
Sec officer Pubbie exclaims "Confirmed Greyshirt Joe is a traitor, he attacked me too!"

Re: make combat harder - Nightgunner5 - 01-21-2013

Darkgenerallord Wrote:but tasers would remain buggy

Re: make combat harder - Dauntasa - 01-21-2013

MyBlueCorners Wrote:I just had another weird idea. I thought of this because I always thought that the combat system of 'click on the other guy a bunch!!!' never really fit the game too well, because the combat should probably be more about the weapons and movement than it is about abusing the movement system to click on someone and not let them click on you. (high-precision clicking on moving objects, i feel, doesn't really have a big place in ss13)

What if clicking to attack was removed altogether, and instead if you wanted to hit someone, you would walk/run into them.

If you walk into someone, you kind of automatically swing your weapon at them, and the game stops you from walking for a few ticks. This makes it so that a player 'commits' more to a swing, and swinging a weapon is a much more controlled, reliable action.

Now, here's where the movement trickery comes in, that could make things interesting:

If you walk into someone who is facing you, depending on what weapon they are using, they have a chance to block/disarm/evade the attack. In this situation, the player who is on the receiving end of the attack will have less lagging time on their 'block' move, so they could potentially use the time in which the opponent is vulnerable to deliver a stronger attack.

If you bump into someone from the side, you have a much higher chance of getting a good hit.

If you bump into someone from the back, that's a nice hit! Maybe it has more of a chance to KO/do high amounts of damage.

So everyone has the Berserker virus all the time?

I like it

Re: make combat harder - mbc - 01-21-2013

Readster Wrote:Greyshirt Joe runs into Captain Pubbie
Greyshirt Joe punches Captain Pubbie in the chest
Greyshirt Joe flees the scene
Greyshirt Joe runs into Sec officer Pubbie
Greyshirt Joe punches Sec officer Pubbie in the chest
Sec officer Pubbie exclaims "Confirmed Greyshirt Joe is a traitor, he attacked me too!"

Help/grab intent doesn't make you attack, so this probably wouldn't be a huge problem

Re: make combat harder - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 01-21-2013

so if someone gets bumped by a guy with a saber hes fucked?