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Material/Smelter traitor items - Printable Version

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Material/Smelter traitor items - Lost Generation SA - 04-11-2015

The smelter feels a bit underused at the moment, which made me think of having traitor items linked to smelting and material science, to get more people interested in it.

A few rough ideas I had were:

- Using your tc to buy ready smelted bars of material. One option would be to have a crate of preset, always useful materials like fibrilith and uqill, for several tc. They would need to be marked as unsellable, like the weed that starts on the station, so that people don't just use it to convert telecrystals into credits. Alternatively, do it like poison bottles. You spend 1 tc and get a random bar. I think this would be especially interesting if it came as a mixed material, to give you the chance of getting something really strong, or completely explosion proof. These can be sold, so that if you get a block of solid gold it isn't useless. Gold should have a very low chance though.

- A complete fabricator. A lot of the more interesting things you can make are only available in fabricators behind department locked doors. Letting traitors spawn a fabricator that can make all of these things would lead to more restricted items like plate armour, especially since miners and quartermasters are often the only people who see the interesting materials during a round. This could see use even without fancy smelted materials, so it would need a high cost to reflect that.

- Alternatively, a portable fabricator to make items as and when you need them. This wouldn't have a complete recipe list, just basic yet useful things like crowbars and metal sheets for pipe frames. Alternatively, feed items to it to gain blueprints, or download them from a basic fabricator first, with a limited number of total blueprints.

The material bars and complete fabricator should probably be locked to quartermasters and miners, but I think any job could find a use for the portable fabricator. With regards to the ready made material bars, I know that the Captain and HoP can just steal the budget and buy materials from the martian ship, and miners can eventually get them with a bit of luck. Letting traitors buy them with telecrystals would remove the luck and time element for miners and quartermasters, giving them more time to actually do traitor things.

These are all ideas I came up with because I want to see more smelter based traitoring. I'd be interested in hearing other people's ideas about how to encourage this as well.

Re: Material/Smelter traitor items - BaneOfGiygas - 04-11-2015

From what I hear, the smelting system is horrendously in-progress and is basically subject to radical change at any moment. As a result of this, I'm hesitant to back the inclusion of traitor items revolving around it, since the malleability of the system would make balancing them out rather difficult.

Re: Material/Smelter traitor items - Lost Generation SA - 04-12-2015

I know the reagent infusion part of smelting is still ongoing, after the original system had to be removed entirely. The material aspects seem solid though, and have not changed noticeably from when I played last July. Erebite and uqill items are already quite potent without reagents added to them.

If the materials part is also still a work in progress then yes, these ideas would need to wait until smelting has been finalised.