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Bee Scouts for security - Printable Version

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Bee Scouts for security - Ali0en - 03-28-2015

So you know those little robots SWAT teams send in to scout out a situation? Let's give security a bee version of those.

Just use your security whistle with a bee scout nearby to turn it on. Then use some goggles to see what it sees as well as control it.

To further enhance the usefulness, you can store one item on the bee by putting it on its harness. In a hostage standoff? Put a cookie (laced with deathweed) inside to nab him. Changeling in disposals? Safely navigate that hell maze with your bee.

Re: Bee Scouts for security - robertGN - 03-28-2015

Reminds me a lot of that one roboticist remote control post.

But what use does that actually have? It'll be played with for a couple of days, and later be ditched and used once (for a stupid reason) every couple rounds. It seems fun, but has no real use

I do like the idea of a robot slave to get the captain's ID for me though...

Re: Bee Scouts for security - Ali0en - 03-28-2015

For exactly what I said: scouting. It's not just useable on-station.