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Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Printable Version

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Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Vunterslaush - 03-12-2015

So basically what this would be is a medkit containing 2 mini styptic patches, 2 mini burn patches, and one bandage. This would also be able to fit in your pocket as the items are not very large. It would cost right around 300 credits. Price and contents are open to change and or discussion.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - APARTHEID - 03-12-2015

A free stealth storage from a vending machine? No thanks.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Winklabom - 03-12-2015

APARTHEID Wrote:A free stealth storage from a vending machine? No thanks.

I'm sure it could be coded in a way that makes it impossible to put stuff in it.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Winklabom - 03-12-2015

What I mean, of course, is that it only should dispense things and not be able to receive items.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Pigbear1 - 03-12-2015

belts already can only have specific items, just do this for such medkits

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Ali0en - 03-12-2015

How about 1 of each instead of ? We don't need to make medbay irrelevant by having 2 backpack slots contain 4 patches, that are available to everyone.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Anticheese - 03-12-2015

Medbelts already exist and are rarely used enough as is.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - UrsulaMejor - 03-12-2015

idea: inflatable medkit

fits in your pocket

pull a cord, inflates into a medkit stocked with mini medical items and is functionally the same as a regular medkit

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Erev - 03-13-2015

Call me odd but I don't think that we need more healing around the place. I even tend to think that the new health vending machines are a bit much. It just doesn't seem to be that much work to either find a doctor or to find one of the many supply stashes around the station. I mean, sure, sometimes you die... but the antags/disaster/ect got you. They deserve their win.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Paineframe - 03-13-2015

Why do we need medkits that fit in pockets? I think medkits are useful enough that they should take a backpack space.

Re: Pocket sized medkit for MiniMeds - Vunterslaush - 03-13-2015

The kit is not really big enough to hold much, I never said it was gonna be able to hold anything other than medical supplies from the machine. One of each could work in terms of what is in it. This wasn't meant to circumvent medkits, but to be something quick you can grab that won't really help as much. As a side note these mini patches contain half the units of healing chems of a normal patch.