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Make the X-drone more badass - Printable Version

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Make the X-drone more badass - Berrik - 03-11-2015

It's too easy to kill currently. Not only should it be harder to kill, it should be smarter-- ideally, following people who annoy it even to other Z-levels.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - Archenteron - 03-12-2015

Counterpoint: Shitlers kiting the X-Drone to the station every round.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - BaneOfGiygas - 03-12-2015

Archenteron Wrote:Counterpoint: Shitlers kiting the X-Drone to the station every round.
Counter-counterpoint: I've only seen this happen once ever, and that's less a problem with the X-Drone being overpowered and more a problem with people being shit, which is easily remedied via gratuitous application of 100% badmin. I don't know why people keep saying that this is a thing that happens; maybe it was before my time, maybe I just coincidentally don't see it, I dunno.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - Roomba - 03-12-2015

It's nice to see you constantly assuming the best of people, but considering the back-to-back rounds where the same non-traitor scientist kept telesciencing the x-drone to the station within the first two minutes of the round, I'm going to have to disagree.

Wouldn't mind having it be tougher, though maybe without having it follow you. Too many people are cheesing it and then promptly tearing apart the station with a million dollars worth of explosive shotgun rounds.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - BaneOfGiygas - 03-12-2015

Roomba Wrote:It's nice to see you constantly assuming the best of people, but considering the back-to-back rounds where the same non-traitor scientist kept telesciencing the x-drone to the station within the first two minutes of the round, I'm going to have to disagree.
Again, I dunno. I'm still relatively new here compared to most and try my best to qualify any assumptions and guesswork I make regarding Goonstation history, culture, etc.

In any case, if it wasn't made clear, I agree with this thread. Maybe give it some secondary weapons aside from the railgun blaster, or let it prioritize enemies depending on relative threat level and/or aliveness? I haven't had much experience with the X-Drone, though if regular critter code is anything to go by, I'd imagine it just goes with the "shoot at the nearest available living thing until it's dead" approach that most critters take. Perfectly fine for space bears, a bit lacking in a highly advanced prototype death machine.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - Berrik - 03-13-2015

If someone is teleporting the X-Drone to the station consistently, then jobban them from scientist. if someone angered it by accident and it chases them all over space and the station, that's funny.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - UrsulaMejor - 03-13-2015

how about just making it not drop a million credits?

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - BaneOfGiygas - 03-13-2015

UrsulaMejor Wrote:how about just making it not drop a million credits?
Also this. The relationship between difficulty and reward are WAY out of proportion right now, so either make it harder to kill or give it less of a preposterously large reward.

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - hipBEE - 03-14-2015

have it drop an I.O.U imo

Re: Make the X-drone more badass - Silvercloud29 - 03-14-2015

As someone who knows how to fight the X-drone. The main gun fires through walls. Puts people into orange health in one FRICKING HIT. And it does about 50 - 100 damage to pods. Then it has a ramming ability. if it rams a pod it does like 200+ damage. I think it's fine.