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No one can hear you fart in space - Printable Version

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No one can hear you fart in space - maxiumattack - 03-04-2015

Being in space should mute any sounds you make or would normally hear.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Ali0en - 03-04-2015

No thank you.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - UrsulaMejor - 03-04-2015

what would this add to the game, really?

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Dabir - 03-04-2015

Realism? I like it.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Ed Venture - 03-04-2015


Re: No one can hear you fart in space - BruiseCruise - 03-04-2015

Dabir Wrote:Realism? I like it.

Realism has never seemed to be a priority in SS13, given there are laser swords, superpowers, Chaos Dunks, and whatnot. That being said....

I did enjoy the sound design in Dead Space when you were in a vacuum! The issue I can foresee, however, is how much of a bitch it would be to deal with what constitutes a vacuum and what doesn't. Let's be honest: if half of the station isn't covered in hull breaches at the five minute mark, it isn't SS13. Would every breach make that area of the station soundless, or would it be limited to outside of the station? I think it would become rather annoying if every tiny breach made that area silent. It may help traitors and the like and would help locate hull breaches and vacuum hazards, but it takes about five seconds to make a hull breach in this game.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - UrsulaMejor - 03-04-2015

sound can travel through metal faster than it can travel through air; as long as the thing making the sound has a direct contact to the ground it'd still make noise

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Dabir - 03-04-2015

Just being on a space tile should do it.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - salix_catus - 03-05-2015

Maybe an alternate message when you fart whilst wearing a spacesuit?

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Ali0en - 03-05-2015

Dabir Wrote:Just being on a space tile should do it.
No, this is horrible, and you're awful for liking it. Stop pushing realism in 2d spacemen. I can see this on bay, not here.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Conor12 - 03-05-2015

The idea isn't HORRIBLE, it just doesn't really suit the servers.

salix_catus Wrote:Maybe an alternate message when you fart whilst wearing a spacesuit?

You fart in the spacesuit. It's all you can hear in the void of space.
Urrgh! That was an awful idea! The gas enters your internals!

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Dabir - 03-05-2015

Yeah, fuck realism! Let's make it so you don't die in space either, cause that's too realistic!

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - Ali0en - 03-05-2015

Dabir Wrote:i cant think of any relevant counter point so im gonna shit from my mouth

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - maxiumattack - 03-05-2015

dang I was I just hoping for it to make traitors actually want to crime in space where no one would hear them.

Re: No one can hear you fart in space - BaneOfGiygas - 03-05-2015

maxiumattack Wrote:dang I was I just hoping for it to make traitors actually want to crime in space where no one would hear them.
You cannot crime in space, for there are very few things to be crimed. In order to crime, you must go to the source of the highest density of crimeable things.