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Dice cups - Printable Version

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Dice cups - thehman03 - 02-27-2015

Alright so some games that require more than one d6 are tedious to do because you have to roll every die seperately. This is an idea for a cup that can roll multiple dice at a time, leading to small simple games like rolling three dice and betting on the outcome to more difficult games such as farkle and etc. Could spawn in the jazz lounge, chapel games room and maybe game kits.

So yeah, get in.

FOR REFERENCE: [Image: th?id=HN.607988106250947974&pid=15.1&P=0]

Re: Dice cups - Vunterslaush - 02-27-2015

You should also be able to use a bowl from the kitchen for back alley dice games.

Re: Dice cups - chamo - 03-06-2015

A attempt at a dice cup. [Image: bmkjxZu.jpg]. Probably should thin it down the road

Re: Dice cups - thehman03 - 03-07-2015

attn, this idea's already been implemented and just hasn't been moved yet, just click on anoter die with a die in your hand, can stack up to like 20 or something.

In other words, go away.

Re: Dice cups - thehman03 - 03-07-2015

That sounds really agressive actually, just use your energy elsewhere is what i was trying to say.