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This script doesn't print anything - Printable Version

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This script doesn't print anything - Nightgunner5 - 01-13-2013

echo butt^butt
echo #!|ncp butt /mnt/lp-office|nbutts^butts

also it may have destroyed the universe

Re: This script doesn't print anything - Nightgunner5 - 01-13-2013

For anyone who doesn't get it

Re: This script doesn't print anything - Cogwerks - 01-13-2013

Hey thanks for crashing a server with something you knew could cause an infinite loop

Re: This script doesn't print anything - AngriestIBM - 01-13-2013

Hahah you bastard.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - Nightgunner5 - 01-13-2013

Cogwerks Wrote:Hey thanks for crashing a server with something you knew could cause an infinite loop
Actually I thought copying something to a printer would block until there was space in the queue. Turns out printers have infinitely large queues.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - UrsulaMejor - 01-13-2013

i separately had a similar idea, (infinite loop of functions calling other functions and writing each other and stuff) and decided to mentorhelp whether or not this would crash the server or just lock up the DWAINEframe. I then was told that this is what crashed the other server, and was like, "...Oh... wait... oh..."

It seems to be the nature of first-time DWAINEframers to gravitate towards infinite loops.

Also, damn, I'm really glad i asked first, i wouldn't want to be the SECOND idiot to crash a server with the coding system and get it taken away ):

Re: This script doesn't print anything - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 01-13-2013

Wait so HE was the guy who murdered three?

Re: This script doesn't print anything - UrsulaMejor - 01-13-2013

FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Wait so HE was the guy who murdered three?
That's what we were just told (and i was told a few minutes ago on 4 before i almost made the same obvious mistake,)

Re: This script doesn't print anything - atomicthumbs - 01-13-2013

you crashed a video game server using the simulated computer inside the game

[Image: 6JZi8.png]

Re: This script doesn't print anything - UrsulaMejor - 01-13-2013

atomicthumbs Wrote:you crashed a video game server using the simulated computer inside the game

[Image: 6JZi8.png]
In the game, I am the Coder. It's me.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - FrontlineAcrobat4 - 01-14-2013

No good nerds destroying us from within.we should only let the idiots use computers, nerds are too dangerous.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - enforcer9 - 01-14-2013

FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:No good nerds destroying us from within.we should only let the idiots use computers, nerds are too dangerous.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - CrowdControl - 01-16-2013

DWAINE is OP and an unfunny gimmik! Remove DWAIN!

Re: This script doesn't print anything - Wydamn - 01-16-2013

I always kind of figured that the DWAINE interpreter was restricted to a certain number of calculations per BYOND tick, so that at worst it would just lock up the in-game terminal. Either it doesn't, or this command somehow breaks that restriction.

Either that, or all DWAINE terminals are actually quantum computers that manipulate the fabric of the SS13 universe in order to operate; so a coding error could alter or erase reality. Which would explain why there is no programmer job; all programmers are put to death before they destroy the universe.

Re: This script doesn't print anything - atomic1fire - 01-16-2013

Someone should link this story to the best moments thread for future reference,

The time someone used an infinite butt loop to crash the server.