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Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Printable Version

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Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Bologna Prime - 02-05-2015

Somewhere around the time the new vox was put in the classic poo noise that cluwnes and emagged buttbots made was replaced by vox saying poo. I don't really see why this change was made and I'd be perfectly fine with it if somebody were to provide a good reason that the poo sound had to go.I find that Vox saying poo is kinda lame when compared to the old poo sound and it kinda comes down to what the popular opinion is on the matter. Share your thoughts on this critically important matter.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - MollyMillions - 02-05-2015

3d poo in 2015

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - FishDance - 02-05-2015

At first I thought "Loney be careful with what you're getting yourself into" but post read I understand. For reals though that sound is instantly recognizable, I wouldn't go so far as to say its vital to the game, but I think it contributed to the zany atmosphere of the station. Never thought Id say this, but... Bring back "poo".

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Bologna Prime - 02-05-2015

FishDance Wrote:At first I thought "Loney be careful with what you're getting yourself into" .
My tricky tricks are tricky indeed.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Dabir - 02-06-2015

I had no idea this had been changed, but change it back please. It's just confusing to have stuff with a presence in-game talk like VOX.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - BeardedElectron - 02-06-2015

yes, this is a good idea, that and bring back pod foam nozzles nerds

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - TailorTok - 02-06-2015

I propose a compromise. Don't bring either back, add poo nozzles to pods.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - SpaceNaba - 02-06-2015

I think the buttbots would be better with the original poo sounds. They were done by popecrunch, for crying out loud!

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Bologna Prime - 03-12-2015

This thread has been forgotten, but I still believe in the poo sound of old.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Winklabom - 03-12-2015

Please do bring the original poo sound back.

Cluwnes and emagged buttbots are just not the same without it.

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - Zamujasa - 03-15-2015

Do this but also increase the pitch bend range for buttbots. v

Re: Bring Back Poo (the sound) - booterror - 03-16-2015

I for one support our original poo sound overlords.