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Why was the Singularity removed? - Printable Version

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Why was the Singularity removed? - Deremus - 01-28-2015

In my opinion the Singularity added a whole other dimension to the game, both engineering and traitor-wise. Especially on the Donut Station where it was the center of everything.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - cgrn10 - 01-28-2015

It was a horribly coded lag-fest that destroyed the station every round is what I've garnered regarding its removal.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - quiltyquilty - 01-28-2015

all of mport's code was removed for being extraordinarily bad.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - icarus - 01-28-2015

if the current engine fucks up: people are inconvenienced and in danger but the damage is repairable

if the singularity fucks up: the round is immediately over

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - atomic1fire - 01-28-2015

I think the singularity did give a sense of urgency, but at the same time you could literally release that thing on accident, and either need to quickly build a bomb to destroy it, which most people had no idea how, use the RD's bomb, or call the shuttle.

Plasma fires still exists though, allthough I kinda miss station wide accidents but then I remember that the blob exists and is way worse then any meltdown or singularity.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - Marquesas - 01-29-2015

Because it was bad.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - Twoflower - 01-29-2015

the singularity was pretty boring

it had three states, "not on", "working fine", and "welp call the shuttle"

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - Sam Guivene - 01-29-2015

The singularity was insanely laggy, was flat out DANGEROUS to be within a mile of, and gave out with the slightest effort. It was way to easy to break, in fact, it wasn't even that difficult to release a dozen singulos at once, which is actually terrifying, especially since many codes have catastrophic explosions when singulos collide.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - BlackPhoenix - 01-29-2015

All of this and more were damn good reasons to remove the singularity, but I'll still miss dramatically timed suicide bombings of it when it went rampant.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - atomic1fire - 01-29-2015

I still kinda miss the idea of a nuke engine that can cause a meltdown the crew has to contain, but the crew is terrible at preventing disasters.

I can't even pathology correctly, and I've died fighting fires.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - phart - 01-29-2015

i kind of miss the singularity, if I'm being honest, the whole game is pretty a workplace-safety PSA (on crack(in space(in the future))) and the singularity was a literal blackhole, and a hilariously deadly solution to a simply solved problem, the new engine doesn't cause as many disasters, I think it could be more dangerous if fires spread outside of engineering and maybe to the northern end of the station somehow?

Don't get me wrong, the singularity in practice was a POS, I just like the idea and the results of it when it escaped containment, it was unbalanced as hell and probably not fun from a gameplay perspective, but it fit the game's atmosphere pretty damn well I'd argue. Maybe if it was rebalanced somehow, the engine might be decent but I doubt the coders would ever do that!

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - BruiseCruise - 01-29-2015

I used to dig the Singularity engine a lot, but I recognize why the damn thing was removed. Can't even count how many times I'd get everything in my workplace set up, shout a friendly greeting over the radio, and set up internals only to hear a "SING'S LOOSE CALL THE SHUTTLE" five minutes into the round.

It was great when it was sabotaged by a traitor and stuff, but 9 times outta 10 it was released because some moron didn't know how the engine worked or purposely screwed it up 'for teh loulz'. I'd be up for another extremely dangerous reactor later, but if anything like that came back it would have to be moron-proofed at least until a few minutes into the round.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - Frank_Stein - 01-29-2015

Twoflower Wrote:the singularity was pretty boring

it had three states, "not on", "working fine", and "welp call the shuttle"
I think that was the main problem. If it was ever brought back, it would need more variables in between. Like, if it's power output was directly proportional to it's size/stability. If you wanted to keep everything on the station running at 100% power levels, you'd run the risk of it breaking free. Otherwise, Engineers/AI would strategically power down certain areas/equipment of the station where excess power wasn't needed.

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - pnutz - 01-30-2015

Twoflower Wrote:the singularity was pretty boring

it had three states, "not on", "working fine", and "welp call the shuttle"

having the shuttle be called before the unreliable printouts from centcom was the main kicker. Usually happened as a result of the same people insisting on not RTFM-ing and that they knew how to set up things ('what you mean weld the emitters I bolted them down and everything').

One change I would make would be for the hot/cold loops to actually interact with the crew areas more than those 2 exhaust pipes next to escape, so pubbie engineers can still make things bad for the crew without being shuttle-calling-ly bad

Re: Why was the Singularity removed? - Cogwerks - 01-30-2015

It was terrible, dumb and constantly ruined rounds. The times people bombed it in some valiant last-ditch effort were cool, but rare, and not worth the headache of a thousand "singularity's out, call the shuttle" round endings. It left nothing for engineers to do once it was turned on, it'd just sit there being a big dumb photoshop cloud until it inevitably fucked the round up.

The containment field and lasers were cool though.

The TEG can kill the entire station with a little work, but it'll never ruin itself permanently due to incompetence. It can be an incredibly powerful weapon in the right hands, but if you don't know what you're doing, it's really only a danger to engineers - and it can be repaired unless someone outright bombs it. I don't want to have newbie engineers fucking everything up for everyone else, I want the engine to be more or less foolproof until you intentionally abuse it and push its limits.

It's trivially easy to capture deathgas from the engine and release it elsewhere. It's intentionally hard for the engine to do that by itself.