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Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Printable Version

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Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Fresh Lemon - 01-11-2015

Usual Character Name: Belkis Tekeli, Tomris Tekeli, Frank Gugetto, King/Lil' Varder (AI/borg)
BYOND Username: Dr. Nipples
Recommended by (if applicable): ClassyD, Mega Paco
Times Available: I'm available most times, just about everyday. Chances are if I'm not doing something, I'm in space.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
So I've been playing SS13 since around the time cogmap came out; admittedly I was a decently anti-social spaceman for a while. I love helping people in general, and now that I know most aspects of the game, I love giving a hand to any new players or anyone that has a question or problem I can help with. Let's face it, this game can be pretty overwhelming, especially to newer players. I know a lot of us probably wouldn't have gotten much of anywhere without someone to help us along the way. But enough of that, the short version is, I would love the opportunity to help out more and be more useful in general.
As far as my actual game experience is concerned, I would like to say I know how to do most things at least to a decent level. Obviously I can't do everything: extremely technical mechanics shenanigans, more advanced uses for ThinkDOS and DWAINE I'm sure I don't know for another, and I do tend to get hung up on odd happenings trying to determine whether they're a feature or something broke again. However, there're plenty of things I can do like second nature: making fancy foods and drinks, terrible chaplain RP, growing the good shit in hydro, setting up a safe engine, trying to become god but instead becoming a meat cube, build robots and borgs, play with robuddies, make it rain in QM, secret chems and terrible chems, space exploring, hitting rock with pickaxe in big exciting way, and plenty of borg and AI hijinks. Medical is easily my favorite department and I love playing it, but I'm pretty sure I enjoy playing just about any job. It's probably not worth mentioning, but I've also spent an obscene amount of time slamming my face into telesci puzzles. I'm definitely not the greatest antag around that's for sure; attacking and killing random innocents or outright removing them from the round, unless they somehow really deserve it, makes me feel like an asshole, so I tend to sneak around to do what I need to do, or act like a huge doofus with obvious traitor gear using it for not so traitorous activities.
I'm not sure if I have much more to add to this, but trust me when I say I generally know what I'm doing and how to do it. I'm no stranger to taking large chunks of, or even a whole round, to show new players around the station or explain the basics of a job. It's a pretty damn good feeling to show some fresh off the shuttle guys the basics and then watch them work together to try to figure out a job, knowing that those new spacemen may someday enjoy the game as much as I do, once they get past the initial learning curve, and the fact that they're willing to learn gives me hope for the future of the game. (Holy shit, that's sappy!)

Security Experience (300 word minimum):
I'm sure everyone understands when I say I have a love-hate relationship with security. On one hand, we have a pretty fair amount of good officers and HoS around, and they're usually really fun to play with and handle their jobs well. On the other hand: we have people who pick the shiny red job over grayshirt and run around hitting the first thing they see with a baton repeatedly, power abusing officers who outright kill anyone they find who is in possession of traitor gear (and some who aren't in possession of), and officers who refuse to work together and cooperate.
Now, I do actually enjoy playing security, but a lot of the fun comes out of how the rest of the sec team handles themselves (if there even are other officers). I'm not here to say “Yo, I'm hella robust. Gimme some guns and I'll shoot the badguys dead,” because that's probably a flat-out lie. I can certainly handle myself in combat, most of the time, unless I'm fighting a ling. Sure, I'll look into suspicious individuals or events, I might even succeed in stopping that guy running around in the halls swinging around or shooting off a Dangerous Thing. However, I assure you that I try my hardest to not outright slaughter confirmed traitors, it's not really fun for anyone if all the antags are removed from the round as soon as they're outed; I'm also not saying I let them get away with anything they want. Everyone makes mistakes, I've probably wrongfully killed antags and innocents alike. Even when fully assessing the situation, mistakes can be made.
There is a fantastic way to avoid a lot of these problems, and that's officers staying in regular contact over the security channel and reporting different accounts from around the station. When it comes right down to it, security is supposed to be protecting the crew members and patrolling to make sure everything is safe. If you know who you're dealing with then you can obvious be better prepared for it and there's less of a margin for error. Does this work all the time? Probably not! But it certainly makes it more fun for everyone when security is organized, communicating, and not randomly murdering the wrong guy. I'm definitely not saying I'm the best officer out there, and I'm not saying I'm going to “fix” security, but I would certainly like the opportunity to step up and help security act like a real team and prevent random murder when we lack a proper HoS onboard. While we have some really good guys in the position, there isn't always someone there. If everyone finds it appropriate, I would enjoy nothing more than to take the position when it's empty.
On a similar note, I tend to play on #1 and #2 a decent amount and they're usually very low-pop. The reason I bring that up is because obviously with less people, there's less people willing to play or forced into playing security jobs. While that's not always important there are occasions where antags start unstoppable rampages because no one is expecting or prepared to defend themselves, and the whole crew dies in under 15 minutes, which is honestly kind of boring. If there was an active HoS, I'm sure it would be much more interesting and fun for both the crew and antag alike considering there would be actual conflict instead of mass slaughter. Another important note about the low-pop severs would be about whichever server happens to be set to extended at any given point. While there technically shouldn't be a need for security due to lack of antags all together, that doesn't mean that there won't be a need for it. The problem being that everyone is doing their own thing and not paying attention to the overall station on extended, for the most part, and the admins aren't immediately present or visible all the time, so some pretty intense griefing sneaks in undetected from time to time. It should be left to the admins to deal with, but sometimes there's just no immediate way to stop someone's hard work from getting wrecked by a random griefer in the few minutes it might take for an admin to show up and deal with it. Don't take that the wrong way, it's not a complaint.
While a lot of people give themselves all access on extended, not everyone has the proper gear or the technical authority to detain someone until the admins arrive. I guess when it comes right down to it you don't exactly need the authority to keep extended from becoming a griefer playground, but the presence of an active HoS would certainly make some people feel a lot safer and hopefully prevent Terrible Things from getting out of hand.
So to wrap this up, I have to stress that I'm not a supercop, nor am I extremely lax when it comes to security. Everything needs to be assessed and acted on accordingly, and I would really love security to actually act like a team. I hope all of this brought at least some of you to consider me for HoS. Thank you for your time.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
I don't actually have a problem with the current layout of security. There are a few ways to easily break in and out which isn't the greatest news for officers, but it's great for sneaky antags, so it balances out. Although, the table in the middle of the room does kind of make it a little difficult to get around during a firefight.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I'm aware of.

I know that the HoS application is to be used when applying for both mentor and HoS. I slammed them both together so that the first half can be used as a reference for the mentor position in case I'm denied HoS. If this is a problem, please feel free to close my thread.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - DyssalC - 01-11-2015

This is a Steve approved app.

Recently seen a lot of this person and they definitely have the right attitude for both positions, and plenty of experience and knowledge for them as well.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Houka - 01-11-2015

I've seen this person around. He seems sane enough for a Head of Security spot, which implies he's okay enough for a Mentor spot as well. A knowledgeable player that won't horribly fuck up in the position.

So yeah I think he should have it.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - SgtBriar - 01-11-2015

Yeah I've seen this dude around lately, seems cool and sane, although I'd likely to see you play sec more before I can recommend you as HoS. Yes to mentor, witholding judgement on HoS for now.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - SgtBriar - 01-11-2015

Okay after seeing him in action as security, I can affirm he's worthy for the beret. Yes to HoS, very level headed.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Marquesas - 01-11-2015

I support this.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - cgrn10 - 01-12-2015

Yeah to mentor, but I can't say for the beret. Haven't seen him do the security things often.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Megapaco - 01-12-2015

He's definitely good enough for both HoS and Mentor. Give him Purple Text

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Ed Venture - 01-12-2015

Yeah I think he would be a great HOS. Played a few round with him now and he keeps a level head, keeps everyone updated and uses Teamwork and he works well with others. Give him the Purple Text and the beret

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Haine - 01-15-2015

I've accepted your mentor application, congrats!

HoS applications need a bit longer before acceptance, though, so this'll remain open for now. This doesn't mean you've been denied, just that enough time hasn't passed just yet, and so far it looks like you're a shoe-in for HoS!

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Huff H Law - 01-19-2015

No idea if Haine's post means that you still need support for HoS or not, but heck, you convinced me in a single round that you're alright. You got my support as HoS you shining diamond.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Zafhset - 01-19-2015

Belkis has been a pretty chill and reasonable fellow from what i've seen.
I can definitely picture his in a HoS' shoes.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - Sundance - 01-20-2015

I originally ignored this app because I've only seen you play belkis a handful of times, but now that I just seen Frank Guetto, whom I played with security alot over the past few days/weeks, I can safely say you know the rights and wrongs, work well as a team and got it what it takes to wear the beret.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - quiltyquilty - 01-26-2015

mentor is fine, but honestly, for hos? not really.
i've had bad experiences with belkis on lowpop rounds, mostly in that he's kept rounds going for hours and hours on end just so he and his buddies can do telescience, while seven people sit in deadchat.

Re: Mentor/HoS application - Dr. Nipples / Belkis Tekeli - FishDance - 01-27-2015

quiltyquilty Wrote:i've had bad experiences with belkis on lowpop rounds, mostly in that he's kept rounds going for hours and hours on end just so he and his buddies can do telescience, while seven people sit in deadchat.

I personally don't recall seeing Frank Gugetto or Tomris Tekeli about, however I have seen Belkis Tekeli around, and the only thing I've ever seen him do is telescience on low-pop. This makes me wonder if he wants HoS in order to help out security, or HoS in order to get an easy high access ID to do telescience with. Please note, this is not me making a judgement of his character, for I have clearly not seen him in all of his rounds. All I can say is that when I have seen him he's been doing telescience. Im not sure if that's deserving of an HoS position. However he does seem to know a fair bit about the game, so I'd happily say yes for a mentor position. So, in sum Yes to mentor, and currently a No for HoS.