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General Hydroponics Suggestions - Printable Version

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General Hydroponics Suggestions - Haine - 01-05-2015

if you wanna barf your suggestions here, go for it. the pirate pad actually lasted longer than expected.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - Conor12 - 01-05-2015

Catflip - Source of fliptonium

Grass whistles - Make some music with grass!

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - pizzatiger - 01-05-2015

Read only


I want most of the stuff posted in the Piratepad

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - APARTHEID - 01-05-2015

Name: Winking Potato
Original Plant: Potato
Description: This potato has more eyes than usual... like it's watching you. As a potato.
How to mutate: Probably endurance due to the effect below.
Effects: Each yield of this potato plant will yield two potatoes that function as BOTH a Camera monitor and a helmet cam. Take one potato to the brig and keep tabs on the local scum! Throw the other in a mail chute and never let Medbay out of your sight! Thankfully, a winking potato just can't help to wink at the passerby sometimes...
Chemical content: None. This is a camera analog!
Sprite: A potato. With an eye that occasionally blinks.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - Grayshift - 01-05-2015

Part of the discussion I liked was botany-only chems. Right now there's only a few things botany can make than can't be made faster or more reliably or with less effort through pure chemistry.

Accelery - Celery that grows really fast. Contains a chem than increases your movespeed, non-addictive, but has no stamina/stun reduction benefits.
Avoccludo - Avocado + Occlude - Contains an invisibility chem (why don't we have an invisibility potion chem?). Only grows in dark places or when you're not looking at it
Kleinapple - Klein bottle + Pineapple - Topologically impossible pineapple. No fucking idea what it would be good for but I adore the pun.
Mandragora - A classic. Screams at people. Scream depends on potency, weak normal screams, strong shambler/vampire screams
Bamboot - Grows shoes.
Bambooze - Grows bottles of booze, ranging from beer to grog depending on potency
Poison Ivy - Extract itching powder. Maybe a lasher-type variant or able to plant seeds like grass seeds to spread ivy flooring
Dragon Fruit - Eat one for a single-use flame breath or turn into a lizard
EAT ME mushrooms, Alice In Wonderland inspired - Contain growing/shrinking chems.
Acid-spitting flower you can wear in your ID card slot (or water, for more harmless pranksters)
Iceberg Lettuce - Contains ice, melts into slipping puddles. Mutation #2, Valdez lettuce, contains oil. Mutation #3, Black Iceberg Lettuce, melts into space lube
And some sore of smokeable herb that contains voltagen but I couldn't think up a good pun name. Just mildly zapping people around you at random time to time.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - pizzatiger - 01-05-2015

Okay i managed to copy and paste all of the pirate stuff before the pad when to shit due to a bunch of unknown visiters

The color didn't save over so sorry if everything is green

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - I-Sett - 01-05-2015

Deadly Nightshade - High potency potato mutation:
Produces small purple berries. Extract for atropine.

Apologies if there's something already like this... I haven't fully explored all of hydroponics mutants.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - Erev - 01-05-2015

Poison Oak/Ivy?

Add high power growlamps? (Bonus points if they draw massive energy like telescience to add incentive for firing the engine.)

Benefits from eating food made by the chef - with fresh botany ingredients making some of the best meals?

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - BaneOfGiygas - 01-05-2015

Really, what I'd like to see is more of those strange seeds/artseeds and varieity in the freaky alien shit you can get out of them.

Just a suggestion: Perhaps there could be different species of artseeds/strange seeds each round could yield some kind of alien plant thing that, when harvested and extracted, has randomized reagents for each species in the round. Or, simply put: Floorpill plants, possibly with reagents even more exotic than those found in floorpills. There's only so much room for experimentation with botany, and throwing in something wild and unpredictable like these floorpill plants could make things very interesting.

Disclaimer: I am not incredibly experienced with botany, so if this is already a thing in some fashion, disregard this entirely.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - Frank_Stein - 01-05-2015

Gooseberries-It produces a single goose egg as fruit, which later hatches.

Milk Thistle-Use an empty bottle on it to get healing chem infused milk

(Alternative idea, give Botany a robot cow that eats crops and makes regent infused milk because why not)

Cucumbers-Just regular cucumbers. Stick them in a beaker with salt and water to make pickles, or slice them and wear them on your eye slot to relax.

Crewcumbers-Living Cucumbers with little arms and legs. They have random crew members names and will repeat things they say/follow them around/dance.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - Roomba - 01-05-2015

Here's a thread of general botany suggestions I made a while back. Still want to see most of those implemented.

Also something like the new genetics system would be fun for botany as well, if that could be a thing.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - APARTHEID - 01-05-2015

ISaidNo is responsible for both Genetics and Hydroponics.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - APARTHEID - 01-05-2015


One guy is working on two systems (and more) simultaneously, so tax the shit out of 'em.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - APARTHEID - 01-05-2015

DON'T TAX. Christ. I hate the lack of an edit button.

Re: General Hydroponics Suggestions - thehman03 - 01-05-2015

Here's an idea: remove botany.

In seriousness though, give the chef either botany access or a plant pot, water, fertilizer and seeds of his own to make up for the fact that botany usually fucks off and makes weed all day.

the first suggestion still stands though