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Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Printable Version

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Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Lantern - 11-30-2014

I was talking with some people on the IRC, and for some reason i suggested that you should be able to make a blowgun out of a hollowed out pipe and a syringe, with a 50% chance it will fuck up and kill you, or something. Then i got to thinking, why aren't their more craftable ghetto weapons like the zipp gun? So what are some fun/easy to sprite and code weapons you can make from shit just laying around the station?

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - atomic1fire - 11-30-2014

Broken lightbulbs should be harmful to anyone stabbed with them.

I mean they are glass right?

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Ali0en - 11-30-2014

Shiv: Sharpen a grille rod

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - atomic1fire - 11-30-2014

atomic1fire Wrote:Broken lightbulbs should be harmful to anyone stabbed with them.

I mean they are glass right?

I decided to see if there's an example of this for curiousity's sake and apperently yes, someone did once stab someone else with a broken light bulb.

I think the really long ones on the station would make good improvised weapons though. And yes I did just quote myself.

Ali0en Wrote:Shiv: Sharpen a grille rod

I don't know how you would sharpen it, unless you found a mining rock or flint was a thing.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Lantern - 11-30-2014

take a glass shard. wrap cloth around one end. instant shiv.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Ali0en - 11-30-2014

Glass doesn't even hurt you when you use it as a weapon.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Sam Guivene - 11-30-2014

Pipe (unhollowed) + Wire + Pipe = nunchucks, wire has a low chance to snap, creating two nunchucks and an unarmed person.

Bottle filled with welding fuel + Wire + Igniter = bottle rocket, prime it and throw it in a direction and have it go off in that direction, of course just priming it works but then you stand to be sprayed by burning welding fuel, and set on fire. Basically a flat out BROKE persons pipebomb, low chance to impale with shrapnel, 1x1 tile blast, shouldn't blast to space.

Wood+ Metal rod = 2x4 with a nail in it, your good old fashioned rioting equipment.

Metal rod + fabric + Igniter = Torch, does low burn damage and looks scary, burns out after X time, good for lynch mobs.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - RAWK_LAWBSTAR - 11-30-2014

All of my yes.

Just what we need for a grayshirt riot.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - babayetu83 - 11-30-2014

we need craftable spears and torches

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Anticheese - 11-30-2014

Torches are a must.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - sartorius - 12-03-2014

Steel rod + pipe (hollow) + wire = Crude mace. Like the stun baton but far less reliable and powerful. Takes a large amount of stamina to swing, and it must be used on harm intent (which has a chance of you harmbatoning yourself because it's crap), otherwise you poke people in the chest with it. The hollow pipe has a chance of flying off the steel rod and hitting you in the head (stunned) or the crotch (stunned longer)
Wire + wirecutter + powercell = Jumper cables. A ghetto shock baton that requires you grab your target agressively with one hand and touch them with the assembly in the other. Due to the unsafe nature of the construction, the powercell can surge and melt the assembly, make you spontaneously catch on fire, or shock you instead of your target unless wearing rubber gloves.
Wire + glass + fabric = Shitty garrote. You can choke slowly on grab intent with this in one hand, but you're such a klutz that you choke yourself most of the time.
Potato/Lemon + wire = Ghetto powercell. Is better than nothing.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - atomic1fire - 12-03-2014

Zip gun + bottle = silenced zip gun.

One time use only, otherwise it's just a gun with a broken bottle sticking out.

Obviously won't stay in a backpack because it's too big when attached.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Sam Guivene - 12-03-2014

In the off chance my pillow suggestion ever becomes a thing:

Zip gun + pillow = silenced zip gun, works about twice before it shreds the pillow.

Pillow + Book = Pillow mace, causes significant stamina damage, only mild brute damage (its a book, it doesn't leave a bruise) so its pretty good for ambushing a guard or TKOing someone without them realizing immediately, but isn't that deadly a weapon.

Pillow + pipebomb = A disguised pipebomb, explodes into a flurry of feathers and death, has slightly reduced blast damage, and can be directly interacted with.

Metal Rod + wire + Mouse trap = Pest Baton, is basically an extraordinarily ghetto stun baton that will have a brief stun when hit while armed, and if unarmed will just poke the person with it, must be manually armed after each usage, so if you miss and whack the floor you'll need to remember to reset it again, I sincerely doubt people will consistently do this. Useful for ambushes and maybe in especially robust combat, does same brute damage as a metal rod would normally.

fire extinguisher + Pipe (hollow) = potato gun, requires potato ammunition to function, does moderate brute damage, potato explodes on impact leaving chunks of mashed potato at tile it hit, costs the normal amount of reagent as a fire extinguisher normally uses per spray, wont work on empty, remember to keep it filled.

Potato + Wire = Potato battery, an extremely inefficient method of storing energy, can store like 300 volts, borgs will complain that there power cell is literally a potato.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - DyssalC - 12-03-2014

Sam Guivene Wrote:Metal Rod + wire + Mouse trap = Pest Baton, is basically an extraordinarily ghetto stun baton that will have a brief stun when hit while armed, and if unarmed will just poke the person with it, must be manually armed after each usage, so if you miss and whack the floor you'll need to remember to reset it again, I sincerely doubt people will consistently do this. Useful for ambushes and maybe in especially robust combat, does same brute damage as a metal rod would normally.
This would be neat if it could be combined with mouse trap bombs, so essentially it's a stick you hit people with that explodes or flashbangs or whatever.. One use, of course.

Re: Ghetto Weapons thread: murder on the fly! - Silvercloud29 - 12-03-2014

Why isn't the suggestion for a molotov cocktail even in this thread? Bottle + liquid (Or chem mix) + Cloth. Hold your fire creating implement in alt hand. left click the cocktail, ignite it, throw. Hold it for too long (5 to 10 seconds or so) and you are the one eating your own mix.