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New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Printable Version

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New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - mozi - 11-06-2014

When a wizard dies, a random crewmember should be whisked away to the Wizard's shuttle (without their gear) and become the new wizard, attempting to complete the dark ritual. Within a time limit, so rounds don't run forever.

-more players get to play as wizard in their lifetime.
-crew more invested in wizard death.
-middleground between old "wizard dies & round immediately ends" and current "wizard dies and nothing happens for 15 minutes as crew quietly evacuates"

to screen out AFK people from being selected, the prompt for a new wizard should require a response from the player.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Sundance - 11-06-2014

What time would a wizard last for? 40-60 minutes?
What would happen is a person doesn't want to become a wizard, does it get passed on?
What if there are two wizards at round start?
Also, new wiz choice probably shouldn't apply mixed rounds.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Winklabom - 11-06-2014

All of my yes.

There should be a timer between the death of a wizard and a new one being spawned, though.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - OMJ - 11-06-2014

i enjoy this idea

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Amuys - 11-06-2014

Cue hordes of greyshirts and scientists suiciding en masse after they kill the wizard

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - DyssalC - 11-06-2014

mozi Wrote:-crew more invested in wizard death.
When a wizard appears most everyone and the monkeys in genetics grab the nearest fire extinguisher or toolbox and chase the fukken wizard around, and as it is that's really fucking annoying, because if you're trying to do something BESIDES stunlock everyone to death like make golems or use pandemonium or make cluwnes you have to continue worrying about bloodthirsty wiz-hunters, because these sort of things don't flat-out kill crew, just annoy the shit out of them.

Now lets say the whole station finds out that killing a wizard grants a small chance that THEY will become a wizard, that makes this shit even worse. Suddenly you HAVE to stunlock and ei nath everyone or else you won't last a god damn minute on the station.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - OMJ - 11-06-2014

Amuys Wrote:Cue hordes of greyshirts and scientists suiciding en masse after they kill the wizard
The prompt should occur while they're alive imo

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Megapaco - 11-06-2014

Quote:Now lets say the whole station finds out that killing a wizard grants a small chance that THEY will become a wizard, that makes this shit even worse. Suddenly you HAVE to stunlock and ei nath everyone or else you won't last a god damn minute on the station.

I was about ready to say this.This would just create more dumb crew trying to hunt down and murder the wizard would increase the amount of vigilantes doing a crimes and being a pain in the ass for security.
So I think this is sort of a bad idea.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - mozi - 11-06-2014

counterpoint: friendly wizards are garbage and deserve a fire extinguisher to the face

OMJ Wrote:
Amuys Wrote:Cue hordes of greyshirts and scientists suiciding en masse after they kill the wizard
The prompt should occur while they're alive imo


Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Klayboxx - 11-06-2014

mozi Wrote:counterpoint: friendly wizards are garbage and deserve a fire extinguisher to the face

And the people who protect them deserve the same imo

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - icarus - 11-06-2014

will shaving the wizard (if he's the only one during a wiz round) do the same thing?

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - DyssalC - 11-06-2014

mozi Wrote:counterpoint: friendly wizards are garbage and deserve a fire extinguisher to the face
Don't for a moment pull that. Not the friendly wizard thing but referring to golem/pandemonium/cluwne wizards as "friendly".

Just because a wizard doesn't wanna flat-out kill everyone instantly in the most unfun way around or just stunlock everyone in a room while blowing their limbs apart and causing shit tons of damage with fireballs while everybody lies defenselessly on the ground doesn't mean they're "garbage".

Point being that this idea makes it hard on the wizards who wanna cause chaos more than go on a murder-spree.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Roomba - 11-06-2014

I kind of have to agree, this change seems like it'd really just make wizard rounds even more one-note than they already are. Also entirely anecdotal, but last round I was a wizard, the entire crew was armed with lazers and baying for blood within ten minutes, I don't think crewmembers not having enough motivation to kill wizards is really an issue.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - Roomba - 11-06-2014

Also if the intent is to give less experienced players more chances at being a wizard, any newbie wizard who teleports into a heavily-armed station in full-wizard hunting mode is not likely to get very much wizarding experience.

Re: New Wizard Appears After Old One Dies - BaneOfGiygas - 11-06-2014

Traitors are an antagonist type whose playstyles are as diverse as the players who receive them due to their extensive and varied loadout. Wizards have an equally extensive and varied loadout, but are constantly pidgeonholed into being a rampagey death murder kill antagonist. I thought nuke operatives were supposed to be the rampagey death murder kill antagonists, and even then, they have at least SOME options that give them capacity for stealth. Sure, the getup makes stealth hard, but if a wizard is able to torment the crew without the crew having any idea where they are, that kind of playstyle is indicative of a wizard who REALLY knows what they're doing, and should be encouraged instead of stifled. Nuclear operatives have the strength in numbers to merit them being the rampagey death murder kill antagonists. Wizards don't have that, and the tools they have available to them simply do not compensate. Plain and simple.