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Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - Printable Version

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Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - dylanhall34 - 10-31-2014

I found this out on the lava moon but I imagine it works on any Z level / telescience area. The nuclear disk was in the porta-science teleporter and I used the remote on the Lava Moon and the disk appeared there with the locker.

Re: Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - Grayshift - 10-31-2014

When the disk is moved off the station z-level, a duplicate is spawned.

Usually. Unless you verified using the pinpointer there being no discs extant on station I'm going to assume that's what happened here.

Re: Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - UrsulaMejor - 10-31-2014

We once accidentally made the game unwinnable for the syndies like this. I was the captain and I had the nuke disk in my pocket. I went through a portal to the biodome and the nuke disk remained in my pocket. Then a syndie blew up the teleporter so I couldn't go back and they couldn't follow me. Game over

Re: Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - dylanhall34 - 10-31-2014

Oh, I was unaware it duplicates. Sorry for wasting your time that's probably what happened then. I thought it just deletes and spawns a new one.

Re: Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - Grayshift - 10-31-2014

It's also worth noting that the disk only duplicates on nuke ops rounds, too.

I think. It's been a while.

Re: Ability to Take Nuke Disk off the Z Level and BEYOND - Huff H Law - 09-18-2015

My source which is helping me clear this forum was clear in his instructions "This shit's useless now" and I agree with him.