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Space K-129 - Printable Version

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Space K-129 - Amuys - 10-20-2014

Since there's the space equivalent to the CIA Glomar Salvage ship in the debris, maybe we can have a space version of the Soviet K-129?
The K-129 was a Soviet diesel submarine loaded with nuclear missiles and torpedoes that went missing in February, 1968. It was found in the Pacific near Hawaii by the American navy. Project Azorian was a program launched by the CIA to develop the Glomar Salvager to recover the submarine. It was found to have sunk due to mechanical errors and subsequent.
The K-129's forward compartments were salvaged by the ship, but the rest of the ship broke off and lies in the ocean to this day. While a lot of the corpses and some of the top-secret equipment were recovered, most of the stuff (most importantly the code books and machines) were located in the rear section along with the conning tower. The submarine as a whole was incredibly radioactive due to leaking from the pressure crushed nuclear ordinance and the bodies had to be buried at sea.
There were theories that K-129 went rogue to conduct a false flag operation by masquerading as a Chinese submarine and launching missiles at Pearl Harbor.

So...Maybe we could have something like this in the debris field?

Re: Space K-129 - Crumplehat - 10-20-2014

There's already a nuclear reactor relic out there left over from when Cogworks was trying to make radiation work for engine power. It was a fun idea but apparently it never got working well enough to be considered for release. Shame, too. It always looked really neat.

Back on mushroom station there was even a small test chamber with the reactor attached just to the west of the old Singularity engine. Never really functioned, not very well, but still.

Re: Space K-129 - Amuys - 10-20-2014

Forgot about that. Maybe it could have a bunch of dead cosmonauts and some secret blueprints or something.

Re: Space K-129 - Natsumehack - 10-20-2014

Amuys Wrote:Forgot about that. Maybe it could have a bunch of dead cosmonauts and some secret blueprints or something.

Have the reactor still pumping out radiation, and the secret blueprint be a random special suit that's in the code, but not spawned on any Z level.

Re: Space K-129 - Cogwerks - 10-21-2014

Crumplehat Wrote:There's already a nuclear reactor relic out there left over from when Cogworks was trying to make radiation work for engine power. It was a fun idea but apparently it never got working well enough to be considered for release. Shame, too. It always looked really neat.

Back on mushroom station there was even a small test chamber with the reactor attached just to the west of the old Singularity engine. Never really functioned, not very well, but still.

I did the design doc stuff but Nannek was the one handling all the reactor code, I wasn't a coder yet when that stuff was going on. Might tackle it myself eventually.

Re: Space K-129 - pizzatiger - 10-21-2014

cogs wasn't always a coder!?! : my mouth is opening oh no AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

Re: Space K-129 - KikiMofo - 10-21-2014

pizzatiger Wrote:cogs wasn't always a coder!?! : my mouth is opening oh no AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
Don't listen to him. Cogs was born in the void of SS13 code and always was and always will be a coder.