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A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Printable Version

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A horrible Idea that you all will hate - pizzatiger - 09-20-2014

Table fliping!

You lost a game of chess or are sick of all that paper work you have to do? Flip that table and watch everything fly away!

Also you a battle scared Security guard in a gun fight with no cover in sight? Flip a table and make Insta-cover! Clicking on the newly made flipped table will make you crouch under it meaning they can't shoot you and you can't shoot them! Clicking on it again means you poke your head up to blow the head off your foes!

You sick of ugly assitants crossing your hallway? Flip some tables and make an instant baricade where you can pick those fuckers ONE by ONE!

Did that scientist make a super important chemical that could kill everyone on a table? Flip the table and laugh as you and everyone in the room get covered in it and die a horrible slow death!!!

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Crumplehat - 09-20-2014

Fun as it would be, it would prevent use of tables as barriers and that's like, the vast majority of their purpose.

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - pizzatiger - 09-20-2014

Crumplehat Wrote:Fun as it would be, it would prevent use of tables as barriers and that's like, the vast majority of their purpose.

What if you can't flip reinforced tables or table connected to other ones

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Lantern - 09-20-2014

pizzatiger Wrote:
Crumplehat Wrote:Fun as it would be, it would prevent use of tables as barriers and that's like, the vast majority of their purpose.

What if you can't flip reinforced tables or table connected to other ones

Yeah just add a second step to breaking down a regular table. Like unscrewing the table's leg bolts from the floor?

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Sundance - 09-20-2014

I think this is a really good idea, it just needs some scrubbing up like:

Apply the above to only wooden tables (not including the bar table)
Replace various tables around the station with wooden ones, like places in foyers and such, and then you have defensive hotspots.

Anything that allows for more interesting fire-fights and defensive against bombs is a good thing.

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - pizzatiger - 09-20-2014

Sundance Wrote:I think this is a really good idea, it just needs some scrubbing up like:

Apply the above to only wooden tables (not including the bar table)
Replace various tables around the station with wooden ones, like places in foyers and such, and then you have defensive hotspots.

Anything that allows for more interesting fire-fights and defensive against bombs is a good thing.

The problem is you can't make wooden tables and wood is impossible to get.....I like crumplehats idea of needing to screwdriver it before you can flip it

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - atomic1fire - 09-20-2014

Add a botany tree that can be cut down with the chainsaw to make wood. Maybe even fill the owlrey with real trees that can be cut down so you can be a deforesting jerk to the owls.

For plant genetic things, just add some color variations, like oak, elm, etc. With one that drops packets of maple syrup (because it's a maple syrup tree, and because magic)

Maybe different types of wood would just give different colored wooden barriers and tables.

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - YJHGHTFH - 09-20-2014

I don't think cover-based shooting is a feature ss13 needs

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - atomic1fire - 09-20-2014

The only reason I really want flippable wooden tables (and an easy way to get wood) to be a thing you can make is so that we can also have wooden chairs you can pick up and break on people.

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - LinkDaWolf - 09-20-2014

YJHGHTFH Wrote:I don't think cover-based shooting is a feature ss13 needs
yeah that part sounded unnecessary and weird as a function overall

maybe instead of it being flipped on its side it moves a tile or two and "breaks down" as if you had used a wrench on it? anyone in the path of it would get hit by the table and take a little damage. of course this would mean youd need a way to bolt tables to the ground (screwdriver maybe to bolt/unbolt?) but thats probably not too hard to implement?? i am no coder

also what if the table flip makes you automatically do the flipout emote to show you are a very angry spaceman

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - pizzatiger - 09-20-2014

I was just thinking of a way to add portable cover......instead of a cover mechanic for a flipped table how about it works like a wall but it breaks down after a couple of shots

That way if there way an syndie attack the captain can turn any hall-way into a defensable area perfect for a shot-out

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Lavastage - 09-20-2014

What if it just flings all of the small/medium items on the table In random directions? Table defense problem solved, just don't leave your junk on the table.

Re: A horrible Idea that you all will hate - Amuys - 09-21-2014

I want to ruin nerd games in the Chapel doing this.