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Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Printable Version +- Goonstation Forums (https://forum.ss13.co) +-- Forum: Server Appeals (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: Applications (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=15) +---- Forum: Denied Applications (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=18) +---- Thread: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application (/showthread.php?tid=2961) Pages:
Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Skunkrocker - 08-12-2014 Usual Character Name: Eric Boucher, Phil Brooks, Marc Calloway, etc. I change my name as often as the average goon changes their underwear. BYOND Username: Skunkrocker Recommended by (if applicable): n/a Times Available: I’m usually on every night. Reason for Application (300 word minimum): Well damnit, honestly I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve played this game so much I just want to give back to the community. I know a lot of the jobs and the ones I don’t I can just look up guides on the wiki and explain them to people in laymans terms. I’ve helped a lot of new players in the past and when I introduce people to the game I usually sit with them out of game and show them how to play, teaching them all the commands and how to do their objectives and such. On top of that I think I’ve established myself pretty damn well as a regular and contribute often to the wiki, the threads on the SA forums, the official Goonstation forums, and the IRC chat. While I might not be the most well liked member of the community, I feel that my contributions are appreciated and warranted. Also I’m not a griefing shitlord. I have it on good authority I’m an asshole, though, but that’s not the way I would treat a player who needs mentor help; it might be how I treat you in character though, which I hope wouldn’t affect how I am perceived as a helper to new and struggling players. I mostly stick to Chemistry, Chef, Barman and QM positions, as well as AI being one of my favorite “play and relax” jobs. I know the rules of the server and don’t break them anymore, something I feel MUST be stated, as I have broken them in the past and have learned from my mistakes. Mainly it’s just that I’ve been playing Goonstation for so long I need a new challenge and I think helping out players would be a fantastic way of doing so. In short, what I’m asking is just let me help you help me help you. Or something like that. Security Experience (300 word minimum): I always put my job selection on random, which usually sticks me in another job that isn’t security. However, when I am security or Detective I try to not be a total shitlord about it. I’d like to believe being nice to players as a security officer or Detective general leads to them being nice to me. That being said, more often than not it means I get robusted like a tool just for investigating someone being reported over the radio for some crime they committed. That’s how I am now, but I must be honest about the way I used to be. In the past, when I was still re-learning Space Station 13 and was new to Goonstation, I’d be a total dillhole about security, brigging people unfairly and generally being the definition of what the average player would call “shitcurity.” I don’t do that anymore as it was brought to my attention that’s how to be a total dick. I don’t want to be a total dick and want to have fun along with the rest of the players even if this means not being a very good officer. Today rather than brigging someone for a minor offense I give them a ticket, or stun baton them and fart in their face. I’m more willing to help out players in need of security assistance than to go off as some kind of vigilante hunting down traitors and assholes. I’m also more willing to brig someone than to kill them out right, as that is as I’ve been taught to do. I learned most of how to be a good security officer by being on the opposite end of the baton. When a security officer did something shitty I made a note to never do that to a player if I ever play security. All that being said the only reason I’m even applying for Head of Security as well as Mentor is just because it was recommended that if you’re applying for one you might as well apply for both. Even if I get the beret I’m probably just going to put job selection on full Random like usual and see what happens. In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): The benefits are that is super easy to use the brig and security equipment, hands down the best layout and setup for security in all of the SS13 servers I have played on. The flaw is there isn’t enough starting equipment for a full blown active server with eighty users and twenty of them being security. There should be easier ways for security members to get their hands on stun batons, in the least, if not taser guns. At least we can order equipment through the QM if need be, but damn. Your opinion of Shrek: WHY IS THIS QUESTION NO LONGER IN THE TEMPLATES? IT IS THE BEST QUESTION ON THE WHOLE QUESTIONNAIRE ALSO SHREK IS LOVE AND SING THE SONGS BEFORE THE CREDITS ALWAYS Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Holy shit I don’t remember, I have a bunch though. Once for racism I know, once for killing someone when I wasn’t a traitor, I’ve just had a lot. In fact, could an Admin post in this thread with all of my bans? That’d be awesome. Anyway, these were all pretty much around when I first joined and it all came from not reading the rules like a dipshit. I know the rules of the server now and don’t break them. Other than maybe not farting enough on Bibles. I should totally do that more often. Thanks for your consideration on this application! Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - thehman03 - 08-12-2014 I say yes, we may have butted heads in the past but i can forgive that, you seem to know your stuff and are pretty cool, go ahed and give this guy what he asks for. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Lantern - 08-14-2014 you went absolutely ballistic on Aesculus and started blaming him for lagging and breaking the server. I had been there since 2 minutes in, and the server only hicupped once for about 15 seconds. You have a clear history of over reacting to things that really are not that big of a deal. With this knowledge, I am going to say no. Having an HoS that overreacts to the smallest slight is not something we need. evidence of over reaction: http://pastebin.com/0shFmZhS and viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2788&p=30773&hilit=Skunkrocker#p30773 Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Skunkrocker - 08-14-2014 hatmadder Wrote:you went absolutely ballistic on Aesculus and started blaming him for lagging and breaking the server. I had been there since 2 minutes in, and the server only hicupped once for about 15 seconds. You have a clear history of over reacting to things that really are not that big of a deal. With this knowledge, I am going to say no. Having an HoS that overreacts to the smallest slight is not something we need. A. Like I said I'm applying for both, but I don't care about being a HoS, like I said I only play sec when the server randomly makes me an officer. I can teach new players, that's all I really want. B. Fine, it was an overreaction, but what upset me was when I reset the server Aesculus was attacking my character. So he jams the server up so bad it lags out on my end (awesome for you that it didn't, but it got royally fucked on mine) and when I come back he's dragging my body. Like, really? What the hell? First you screw up the server on purpose (he knew it would lag the server, someone had done it the last round too) and then you attack me while I'm lagged out trying to get back on? It pissed me off. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Aesculus - 08-14-2014 Hi, I was Aaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, the person you flipped out at. While you did apologize, and I respect that you were mature and thoughtful enough to do so, it doesn't change what happened, and you did flip out at me, and rant on IRC on it while the round was still going. Due to those reasons, I, too, am going to have to say no as well. Also, I would like to note that you were clearly active before I was attempting to disarm you, and active enough to upload an AI law, so you didn't "just" get back on when I disarmed you. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - cgrn10 - 08-15-2014 I have seen him 'round the station from time to time and he has generally seemed to be a knowledgeable player, heck, he has even helped me at times when my brain becomes mush. I can say yes for mentor; however, I cannot give an opinion on security as I have never seen him play sec. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Marquesas - 08-15-2014 I don't know, I really don't want to vouch for you. This coupled with last night's calling ISN every-kind-of-thing cause you didn't notice a change in the changelog and your history doesn't convince me about HoS. Or mentor for that matter. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Skunkrocker - 08-15-2014 I called ISaidNo a nerd last night because I didn't read the change log and blamed him for my screw up. It was supposed to be a joke but I guess it got taken seriously. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Marquesas - 08-15-2014 Skunkrocker Wrote:I called ISaidNo a nerd last night because I didn't read the change log and blamed him for my screw up. It was supposed to be a joke but I guess it got taken seriously. Coupled with your past history of freaking out over stuff, seemed to me you were genuinely angry at ISN down to calling him a tool over a dumb change in the changelog. I don't know man. I wish I had logs but I stopped hardlogging #goonstation when it hit 1 GB a year ago or so. Wonkmin Wrote:Marquesas wrote: After a couple of minutes of deliberation of why he couldn't make reinforced metal anymore I walked onto the server an it was the first thing on the top of the changelog how it changed, which sort of sparked him to what appears to have been a bad joke. Still, in light of the fact that I was probably too tired to not take you seriously, but after noticing your post in bug reports, I'm neutral. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Twoflower - 08-17-2014 It seems like you tend to get really angry really easily. I'm going with no. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Ed Venture - 08-17-2014 It looks like you get really mad over really dumb stuff. I have to say no on HOS but I'm neutral on you becoming a mentor Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - AffableGiraffe - 08-17-2014 yeah i'm gonna have to say no based on how weirdly angry you get. like, i'm an asshole too but you just... go beyond the call of duty there. remember that one time you were being kind of a shit AI so i went in a strelka and just farted all around you for a bit? you got so mad you adminhelped me and ended up committing suicide? that wasn't just being mad in-character yo. from the responses you're getting here, i don't really think you've changed too much. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - UrsulaMejor - 08-17-2014 Tentative yes on mentor, from what I've seen you're not the kind of guy who'd be stupid with it and as long as you're not metagaming or deliberately abusive there's not much of a behaviour requirement to being mentor. However, I don't think you're quite ready for HoS. You tend to blow up at a rate that's a little outside of acceptable boundaries. I think you should resubmit this as a mentor application, mature a little bit, show everyone that you've gotten better, and then try again for hos later. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Spy_Guy - 08-18-2014 As much fun as watching someone throw a tantrum is, I do not think someone who does this on a regular basis should have easy access to riot shotguns. That is to say, no. Re: Skunkrocker's HOS and Mentor Application - Jerkops - 08-18-2014 Did you start changing your name because people automatically identified your old name with a spastic asshole every round? Because that's what I think whenever I see the name "Skunkrocker" and lately whenever I see that byond key and your newest ingame name pop up together on the off chance that your identity is revealed at the end of a round, it tends to reinforce that perception. |