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Regenerating health - Printable Version

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Regenerating health - Zamujasa - 07-17-2014

Basically I was thinking that it might be neat to have very slight regenerating health. e.g.:

- After 3-5 minutes of not taking damage, brute/burn slowly heals at a rate of, say, (100 - BRUTE) * 0.0025, so if you had 5 BRUTE you'd heal 0.24 BRUTE, but if you had, say, 90 BRUTE, you'd only heal 0.025 (and of course above 100 health, no healing at all). Same thing for burn.
- Only regenerating when you're on HELP intent, representing relaxation and recovery instead of being tensed up/ready to fight.
- Laying down and sleeping could speed up recovery by 2x-3x, to give a use for beds other than the buggy removal of colds/food poisoning
- TOX recovery could be similar but even slower

The recovery wouldn't be anything super-game changing, given the delay before it starts and the slow speed, but could help you recover some injuries if you stay back and out of combat for a while.

At 5 damage, it'd take (3-5 startup) + ~1 minute to recover. I dunno, could play with the formulas a bit; this is just a suggestion.

Re: Regenerating health - Dauntasa - 07-17-2014

doesn't burn already do this

Re: Regenerating health - KikiMofo - 07-17-2014

If you have slight damage just eat some food. I dunno if having something able to regen your health that slowly would even matter much if you are hurt bad enough that food can't help you.

Re: Regenerating health - RandyArcher - 07-17-2014

Logistically this means more checks the server has to run for not much benefit. Fun idea, but on current server strength not logistically worth the resources.