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Zone Maps for the Wiki/Goon hub - Printable Version

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Zone Maps for the Wiki/Goon hub - Silvercloud29 - 07-16-2014

I don't think this would be that hard to do with the right software, Pretty much make a color coded map of the areas on the station simplyfing the layout to newer players. I knew when I first started I was confused as hell for how large and complex the station was.

Pretty much add a second overlay of a simplifed map onto goon hub that just makes it easier to understand with just colored zones. Light grey for arrivals, bar, main halls, customs, civilian areas, escape arm. Orange for engineering, QM, Maintance tunnels. Red for security, birg, armory, command hanger. Green for bridge, botany (Smoke weed everyday). Pruple for science department and medical.

Nothing too advanced showing off all the rooms in details, just colors and names on the map. Then if they want full detail they can switch over to te normal map, or they can zoom out to get a simple map and zoom in to get the detailed verson

Re: Zone Maps for the Wiki/Goon hub - Wire - 07-16-2014

Hello I run Goonhub.

This sounds like a good idea ~however~ it seems like it would require manual editing of the final screenshot. An alternative method that comes to mind though is some sort of additional layer to the byond proc that maps the levels. I will play around with some things and see how do-able this is.

Re: Zone Maps for the Wiki/Goon hub - Silvercloud29 - 07-16-2014

Thats cool wire. I was thinking lets say you go to Maps/cogmap and there is that thing in the upper right that shows either the station or debris field. it has a tab for simplified map pretty much. Also! Did you look at my other suggestion thread? My inner nerd LOVES statistics and I wondering if anything in that was possible. Its over here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3155