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El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - Printable Version

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El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - Strifeguard - 12-07-2012

Admin name: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys
Server: Gibbed 3
Date/Time: December 7th, 11:38 AM
Synopsis: I showed up on the station as an assistant. I put on an emergency oxygen tank and manage to snag a pair of sunglasses near disposal. I try to break a window. The HoP tells me to stop, and I tell him "no." Then he tries to flash me and fails because I have sunglasses on. The HoP gets a sec officer to stun me. I make fun of the HoP for playing as "super sec."
As the HoP drags me to jail I threaten to troll him for playing sec as HoP. I'm then gibbed by either El Bort or Infinite Monkeys, neither would own up to it. Then I'm brought back as a cluwne and muted.
A Galactic Order of Oppressive Neckbeards Goon Station 13 server!

Managed by Pantaloons.

Need to talk over radio?  'say ;your message'
If you don't like OOC turn it off ('(Un)Mute OOC').

By playing here you accept that you may occasionally / frequently be toolboxed / bombed / burned at any time for someone's amusement.

Got a problem?  Use adminhelp if you want to complain about it, not OOC.


Not reading the rules.  ('Rules')

Enjoy the server?  Got spare cash?  Chip in for server costs!  Goon Station 13 Server Donation Bin #10
Hello pubbie sir!
You are the Staff Assistant.
Your pin to your ID is: 4748
Your OPTIONAL Crew Objectives are as follows:
Objective #1: Ensure that Gnome Chompski escapes on the shuttle.
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Gipper Reagan has signed up as Staff Assistant."
OOC: Spacemarine9: that was a typo he meant six things
Your icons have been generated!
OOC: Spacemarine9: there are six things total he can do
OOC: El Bort: total
OOC: Backifran: i thought so
OOC: Conor12: sax
Short Straw  [145.9] declares, "MAGIKS even!"
OOC: Backifran: but hey
OOC: ClockworkCupcake: no he just lapsed briefly into Latin
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] asks, "Where are the magicks?"
OOC: Backifran: at least you don't come onto SS13 to do sex, or arr pee it
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "to your right"
Collin Bould  [145.9] says, "I left a securitron by the robotics doors, in case security wants to activate it."
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: in linguam latinam
Ben Gunn takes a sip from the water bottle.
Zoey Jorikov  [145.9] exclaims, "I HAVE THE POWER OF THE RELIC!"
Tom Peeping grumbles!
Tyler Johnson says, "hello"
Short Straw  [145.9] declares, "BURN THE WITCH!"
Gipper Reagan pushes down Mr Wonker!
OOC: Zorafm: Monkeys, are you drunk yet?
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: infinite monkeys domus est
Tom Peeping shivers.
Tom Peeping burps.
You have added Gas Tank (Oxygen) to the backpack.
Mr Wonker exclaims, "Hooray!"
OOC: Spacemarine9: infinite monkeys delenda est
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Adamki Aseiner has signed up as Technical Assistant."
You have added the crowbar to the backpack.
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: i don't remember enough latin so i will respond in cantonese if thats ok~
Medibot beeps, "What kind of medbay is this? Everyone's dropping like dead flies."
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] says, "Where's the dang ol' wizard"
OOC: Zeronine: we'll live
OOC: Spacemarine9: no it isnt
OOC: Zorafm: Why are my eyes tearing like crazy?
OOC: Spacemarine9: reply in a poem written in the iambic pentameter
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Vis Naut has signed up as Medical Assistant."
You have added Box to the backpack.
OOC: Zeronine: Cause of this beauty of a round
OOC: Spacemarine9: in pig latin
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: dieu lei hai! sic si la!
OOC: Conor12: Ahahahaha latin. You old guys.
OOC: Zeronine: Find me a poem that isnt Space
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "AAI!"
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "TTHIISS  MAN IIS    NNUUUTTSS!!"
You have added PDA-Gipper Reagan to Box.
Short Straw  [145.9] declares, "No, he's a witch!"
You take Spider-Man Mask out of the stocking!
OOC: Spacemarine9: here is my poem-- i like to smoke the weed and drink blood.
OOC: Spacemarine9: just kidding that is dracula
Iam A. Crooke says, "CHEF"
Iam A. Crooke says, "I HAVE IT"
OOC: El Bort: what am i..
Dink Pratt lays down a sexy riff on his saxophone!
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: i can insult people in... 5 languages
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: heh
The cigarette machine beeps, "Smoke!"
OOC: Spacemarine9: do mhathair
Cory Laborde has added the barkley's basketball to the backpack!
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "AAII!!"
OOC: El Bort: hey here's another fun ridlde for you
OOC: 0lives: Insult through dance
Taz Teckle shivers.
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "SEEAALL  TTTHHHHEE    OOORRRS"
OOC: El Bort: I love to smell dog's buttholes + + am a Piece OF Shit irl
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Not much i can do for you, you not-witch fool"
OOC: El Bort: what am i...
OOC: El Bort: it's a tough one
Dink Pratt  [145.9] says, "a LOT of corpses in botaNY"
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "YYOUU  RRAAANNNNCCIID   MMMMAACCCHIINNNEE"
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: el bort
Calvin Mingle  [145.9] says, "Lights out in robo hallway for some reason"
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
OOC: El Bort: wwrong buddy
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Dink Pratt  [145.9] says, "I'm serenading them"
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Kilbas Corraine  [145.9] stammers, "SSaal  aannd lloooock  tttthhee  oooorrrss,,  noo   ggeetttiinngg    oouuuuttt   fforr   eeeiiiittthheer ooooff uuss"
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Grabcrotch Shinkicker has signed up as Staff Assistant."
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "I would but the CE is a dope"
OOC: Jeff the Mediocre: What's brown and sticky?
Central Council Update

ttwinkies alert, courtesty of your friend me

Short Straw  [145.9] states, "and a Witch lover"
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Michael Wildfire has signed up as Staff Assistant."
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Jean-Luc Lord says, "Stop this"
OOC: Conor12: A stick
Quill Zero  [145.9] says, "Trying to help him AI"
Gipper Reagan says, "no"
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
OOC: ClockworkCupcake: poo
OOC: Spacemarine9: your butt
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: what's white and sticky
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
Jean-Luc Lord blinds Gipper Reagan with the flash!
Short Straw  [145.9] declares, "OH GOD A WITCH!"
OOC: ClockworkCupcake: mayo
the grille has been hit by Gipper Reagan with the shard
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: a stick painted white
OOC: Spacemarine9: a birch branch
Short Straw  [145.9] declares, "GOD SAVE US ALL!"
You step in the broken glass!
OOC: Zorafm: I'm a bunny in real life
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "I lack the ability to scream"
Beau McKillingalot shakes Gipper Reagan trying to wake Gipper Reagan up!
OOC: Qsxmas3: Glue?
Gipper Reagan tries to disarm Jean-Luc Lord!
OOC: Jeff the Mediocre: We need discount dan's snack cakes.
Zoey Jorikov  [145.9] exclaims, "Embrace the darkness! Embrace the power of the relic!"
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Jay Wolff has signed up as Staff Assistant."
OOC: Spacemarine9: do not let us start
Gipper Reagan tries to disarm Jean-Luc Lord!
Gipper Reagan has been stunned with the stun baton by Beau McKillingalot!
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "please burn the botany witch which is murering the captain"
Jean-Luc Lord has added Stun Baton to the backpack!
Beau McKillingalot exclaims, "Go Go Go!"
Gipper Reagan  [145.9] stammers, "TThhe    HHHooPPP  iiss  ppppllayiinngg  SSuupperr    SSeccc   lliikeee a  looeeerr"
Gipper Reagan stammers, "TThhe    HHHooPPP  iiss  ppppllayiinngg  SSuupperr    SSeccc   lliikeee a  looeeerr"
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: discount dan's pizzeria
Jean-Luc Lord is trying to put a handcuffs on Gipper Reagan
Beau McKillingalot says, "I stunned you"
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "I'm not sure which witch is whitch"
Gipper Reagan stammers, "coomeeonne  BBeeeeaau,,,  ttthhiss  wwwasbbeettweeeenn  mee  aaannddd  hiim"
Jean-Luc Lord says, "to the brig with you, brat."
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: they dont even bother w/ the pizza just inject you with food poisoning
Gipper Reagan stammers, "yyoouu kkknnnnoow hhee  ccccoulldddnn''tt  ttaakke  mme"
OOC: Backifran: the tacos need more ingredients
OOC: Spacemarine9: through the eyes
OOC: Zorafm: Ugh... I just feel so...... wierd....
You begin to recover.
OOC: Conor12: At a discount
Calvin Mingle  [145.9] says, "I think john johnson is braindead"
Gipper Reagan stammers, "WWatevveeerr,,  iiiff yoouu   arrreess  mme  II''''mm   jjuussstt   gooiingg   to   ttrrroolll  yyyooouu  HHAAAARRDD"
OOC: Zorafm: But not sick
OOC: El Bort: it took me a good half an hour to heat this strange reagent and then i just splashed it on my pen
Calvin Mingle  [145.9] says, "Don't bother with the alkasyne"
OOC: El Bort: i forget to swithc it out for a sleepypen
Short Straw  [145.9] queries, "Chief engineer, do you wish death?"
Gipper Reagan has been stunned with the stun baton by Jean-Luc Lord!
OOC: Infinite Monkeys: nerd
Quill Zero  [145.9] says, "Maybe, maybe not"
OOC: Adamkad1: lol
Gipper Reagan stammers, "sseecccuurriittyy   aabbuuuussseeee"
Jean-Luc Lord has added Stun Baton to the backpack!
OOC: Zeronine: uuh, spoilers
Gipper Reagan  [145.9] stammers, "SSeecuurrttttyy    abbbuussee"
Gipper Reagan stammers, "SSeecuurrttttyy    abbbuussee"
You look closely at Iam A. Crooke.
Iam A. Crooke says, "IBRING YOU"
Jean-Luc Lord nods.
Iam A. Crooke is too far away to see clearly.
OOC: Zeronine: That might be why it's never zombified anyone for me, only ressed them
Denys Style says, "It's volatile"
Denys Style says, "Okay."
Kale Kaur says, "bastard its looked"
Collin Bould says, "Oh god, owls.."
Quill Zero asks, "Lagging much for you too?"
Jean-Luc Lord says, "err"
Beau McKillingalot says, "Umm"
Quill Zero says, "I'm getting a whole butt load of lag"
HELP:  You: Oh come on, I show up, get arrested for "breaking a window" and you guys GIB me?
OOC: Kilbas: Spoiler Alert: Luke is Darth Vader's son, and also the Godfather, and dracula, and the hulk
Beau McKillingalot says, "What/"
Grabcrotch Shinkicker says, "good lord this space lag"
OOC: Backifran: oh you need to heat strange reagent?
Vistrae earned the Ow My Balls! medal.
OOC: Conor12: Noooooo
Devin Jowers says, "This is legally-distinct tasty"
Zorafm Deathwish says, "Ummm"
Taz Teckle says, "Hello"
OOC: Zeronine: sounds like that
Iam A. Crooke says, "WAIT"
Zorafm Deathwish asks, "What's with the rotten dude?"
Iam A. Crooke says, "I WILL MAKE YOU A DEAL"
HELP:  You: Can whoever gibbed me at least own up to it?
Taz Teckle exclaims, "It wasn't me!"
Quill Zero  [145.9] says, "Captain is dead. Long live the Captain"
Quill Zero says, "Captain is dead. Long live the Captain"
OOC: Backifran: current round spoiler: we're currently in space
Kale Kaur says, "too expecive"
Admin PM from-El Bort: A bad Ass Fucker
Short Straw states, "Ken Klepto has signed up as Staff Assistant."
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "Ken Klepto has signed up as Staff Assistant."
Collin Bould asks, "Okay, the earlier cyborg fell apart. Who else is volunteering?"
Admin PM from-El Bort: That's all the hints im giving u..
Zorafm Deathwish says, "Wha-"
Grabcrotch Shinkicker says, "hmm"
Zorafm Deathwish asks, "A cluwne?"
Grabcrotch Shinkicker says, "you are an odd one"
Jean-Luc Lord says, "fucking lag"
Iam A. Crooke says, "CHEF WHERE ARE YOU"
Short Straw states, "RIP the Witch"
Calvin Mingle asks, "AI, you there?"
the cluwne laughs horribly and uncontrollably!
Q-Tip Jones  [145.9] says, "AI please open firelocks in the science lab"
OOC: Jarper: The space is just an illusion
Collin Bould  [145.9] asks, "Okay, the cyborg fell apart, who else wants to volunteer?"
Zorafm Deathwish says, "Right...."
Short Straw  [145.9] states, "BURN i the freezing cold of space"
Admin PM from-Infinite Monkeys: trolled you HARD'
OOC: Jeff the Mediocre: On the 13th space station
the cluwne laughs horribly and uncontrollably!
Your hands twitch.
The cluwne drools.
You are muted have a nice day
You are muted have a nice day

Extra Information: This is literally the kind of crap I'd expect from baystation: arrest for breaking a window followed by an admin support for the arrest (I never adminhelped, mind you, the admins must have just been watching or something). This hardly seems like a good use of admin powers.

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - Infinite Monkeys - 12-07-2012

It was me, you were threatening 'troll [sec/the hop] HARD' if you were arrested which was dumb so I gibbed you then put you in a cluwne. I didn't mute you though?

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - Strifeguard - 12-07-2012

I don't know who muted me. I couldn't even ask because adminhelps were also muted.

Honestly, it's the muting that got me, I understand that playing on goonstation means getting gibbed every now and then, that's no problem. But when the admins gib, don't own up to it, and then mute me so I can't ask? That seems like a real problem.

I'm really very reasonable, I don't call people names and throw fits, so it's hard to understand why an admin would mute me unless they were trying to cover up something they had done.

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - Infinite Monkeys - 12-07-2012

Quote:PM: Infinite Monkeys/(Dr. Kay)->Strifeguard/(cluwne): trolled you HARD
Admittedly this wasn't a direct admission but it's not like I was being really secretive and pretending not to be involved. I didn't mute you or even realise that you were muted, though, or I would've unmuted you.

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - kingston - 12-07-2012

the servers that run tg code have a big red "YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM ____ BY ____FOR___" announcement, imo that should be ported over to gibbed. avoids this "who? why?" shit. i know this thread isnt for a ban but it could be the same message if you're admingibbed/cluwned just without the FOR option

as for the op you definitely deserved to be cluwned for threating to troll somoene ("troll you HARD", come on)

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - CrowdControl - 12-17-2012

Perhaps to clarify, by being muted do you mean you couldn't speak IC or on the radio? If do that's just beings a cluwne you speak through gibbering.

Re: El Bort and Infinite Monkeys Complaint - btek - 12-17-2012

muting is awful. you can't say anything ingame, you can't emote, you can't respond to PMs, you can't adminhelp, you can't talk in ooc and you can't even respond to mentorhelps.