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Drunkenness broken? - Printable Version

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Drunkenness broken? - Toybasher - 07-06-2014

I noticed that even if someone drinks 100 units of pure ethanol, countless glasses of vodka, etc. They never actually black out. I'm not sure if this is actually intended behavior, but from what the wiki says you can use sleepypens full of vodka to turn people into drunken wrecks.

Outside of Bo Jack Danials, no matter how much one drinks (Not talking about people with sober mutation) all that happens at the most is they get blurred vision, wobble around a bit, and talk slurred. You can empty the entire booze closet in back bar and full several glasses with pure vodka, and have little to no effect on movement.

I even sleepypenned someone with moonshine expecting them to hit the ground, only for them to call me out on the radio, wobble away from me, and burp constantly.

As stated this may just be intended behavior, but I thought moonshine worked like bo jack dans and KO'd people.