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I broke the Job Preferences Menu - Printable Version

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I broke the Job Preferences Menu - Dauntasa - 06-19-2014

[Image: hbbNIaG.png]


Re: I broke the Job Preferences Menu - thehman03 - 06-19-2014

[Image: UsChulr.png]

Hello, I've broken it too. Though this may just be BYOND shittiness because it got it broken by clicking quickly on MD twice due to a twitch.

Re: I broke the Job Preferences Menu - Aesculus - 06-20-2014

It's probably just BYOND shittiness, I broke it just by clicking very very rapidly on the job priority change arrows. I'm pretty sure I still have 8 or so captain jobs in my priority list in LLJK 2.

Re: I broke the Job Preferences Menu - UrsulaMejor - 07-02-2014

i have head of security on every single job preference except "favorite" due to this bug.

Re: I broke the Job Preferences Menu - Huff H Law - 09-19-2015

Well you can just reset the job preferences to fix this, I dunno though, might be a fixable bug so I'll just leave it open. Saw it happen to some guy recently.

Re: I broke the Job Preferences Menu - Naximous - 09-19-2015

I have construction worker in my Job preferences on #4

And also... No i can't play as it... Sad..