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more traitors per round - Printable Version

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more traitors per round - man - 05-29-2014

I don't know if it's just me,but there's barely anything happening every round now. Traitors either get caught like 5 minutes in or wander around for a hour,getting access,weapons,bombs,subverting the AI etc and then go on a boring rampage when everyone that could have stopped them has already died/quit. Non-traitors are a bigger hassle for security and commit more petty crime than the actual traitors,who are instantly killed or play nice until the last 10 minutes of the round. I think it's because being a traitor is so rare nowadays that when you finally get it,you never take any risks or try any cool gimmicks,because if you mess up you aren't going to get to do this again for a long time. Raising the amount of traitors would imo go a long way towards making rounds more exciting and chaotic and in general making the game more fun for everyone.


Re: more traitors per round - KikiMofo - 05-29-2014

We use to have more traitors per round but then for some reason the rates were lowered. I agree we need more traitors per round.

Re: more traitors per round - VictorMAngoStein - 05-29-2014

Just do what I do and start stealing other people's stuff. Managed to score 600,000 credits in one round with nothing but a flash.

Re: more traitors per round - KikiMofo - 05-30-2014

VictorMAngoStein Wrote:Just do what I do and start stealing other people's stuff. Managed to score 600,000 credits in one round with nothing but a flash.
That's what he means. People are getting ran around more for normal crew being shitheads than actual traitors. Everyone just eventually gets bored and starts acting shit just to make something happen.

Re: more traitors per round - Clarks - 05-30-2014

People complained that you were constantly under threat with more traitors around. But now the round is a big lull with short bursts of action at the start and the end of a round.

Having a variable crew to traitor ratio is not a bad thing, but it's skewed too low.

man Wrote:Non-traitors are a bigger hassle for security and commit more petty crime than the actual traitors,who are instantly killed or play nice until the last 10 minutes of the round. I think it's because being a traitor is so rare nowadays that when you finally get it,you never take any risks or try any cool gimmicks,because if you mess up you aren't going to get to do this again for a long time.

This is important. People are less inclined to risk dying for a gimmick if chances to be a traitor are rare.

Re: more traitors per round - Lavastage - 05-30-2014

IMO maybe we should just have the amount of traitors be chosen by the RNG more wildly, So it can go randomly from a low amount of antags to a high amount and anywhere in between. Then we will get a good mix of chaotic happy go fun dying and round where people can actually get stuff done without being constantly murdered.

Re: more traitors per round - Sundance - 05-30-2014

Lavastage Wrote:IMO maybe we should just have the amount of traitors be chosen by the RNG more wildly, So it can go randomly from a low amount of antags to a high amount and anywhere in between. Then we will get a good mix of chaotic happy go fun dying and round where people can actually get stuff done without being constantly murdered.
This. Traitor levels need to fluctuate constantly. Otherwise you'll get people complaining that the rates are too high.
In my own opinion, this is where miscreants could come into play. Low traitor round? High miscreants. High traitor round? Low miscreants.

Re: more traitors per round - Convair880 - 06-06-2014

I agree with the notion that the current antagonist-to-crew ratio is too low, especially when there are 20+ players on the server. They often die quickly or end up doing little mischief (or simply go braindead) and the late-join picker doesn't always do a reliable job of replacing them. The RNG idea could work, but I have an alternative suggestion. How about replacing some of the miscreants with hard mode traitors, who can't order Syndicate gear? The code already exists and works fine. The way I see it:

- Many people don't bother with their miscreant objectives anyway.
- However, they might go out of their way to cause trouble when they actually have a licence to go hog wild!
- More chaos, but not more rampage items.

So, a round with 30 players could feature 2x Bad Guys, 1x hard mode traitor and 1x miscreant instead of 2-0-2, which appears to be the typical amount at the moment. The RNG shouldn't assign hard mode traitors for low-pop rounds (~10 guys) though, as more than one fully-fledged antagonist would probably be problematic.

Re: more traitors per round - Conor12 - 06-06-2014

Yeah, I think that's a pretty good idea.

Re: more traitors per round - KikiMofo - 06-06-2014

Convair880 Wrote:I agree with the notion that the current antagonist-to-crew ratio is too low, especially when there are 20+ players on the server. They often die quickly or end up doing little mischief (or simply go braindead) and the late-join picker doesn't always do a reliable job of replacing them. The RNG idea could work, but I have an alternative suggestion. How about replacing some of the miscreants with hard mode traitors, who can't order Syndicate gear? The code already exists and works fine. The way I see it:

- Many people don't bother with their miscreant objectives anyway.
- However, they might go out of their way to cause trouble when they actually have a licence to go hog wild!
- More chaos, but not more rampage items.

So, a round with 30 players could feature 2x Bad Guys, 1x hard mode traitor and 1x miscreant instead of 2-0-2, which appears to be the typical amount at the moment. The RNG shouldn't assign hard mode traitors for low-pop rounds (~10 guys) though, as more than one fully-fledged antagonist would probably be problematic.
We've been saying add Hard Mode traitors alot. Just add them. Enough of miscreants just go for straight up no item traitor.

Re: more traitors per round - Fragmaster Lee - 06-06-2014

Yes, Hard Mode traitors. This seems like the solution.

Re: more traitors per round - Fox McCloud - 06-06-2014

Convair880 Wrote:I agree with the notion that the current antagonist-to-crew ratio is too low, especially when there are 20+ players on the server. They often die quickly or end up doing little mischief (or simply go braindead) and the late-join picker doesn't always do a reliable job of replacing them. The RNG idea could work, but I have an alternative suggestion. How about replacing some of the miscreants with hard mode traitors, who can't order Syndicate gear? The code already exists and works fine. The way I see it:

- Many people don't bother with their miscreant objectives anyway.
- However, they might go out of their way to cause trouble when they actually have a licence to go hog wild!
- More chaos, but not more rampage items.

So, a round with 30 players could feature 2x Bad Guys, 1x hard mode traitor and 1x miscreant instead of 2-0-2, which appears to be the typical amount at the moment. The RNG shouldn't assign hard mode traitors for low-pop rounds (~10 guys) though, as more than one fully-fledged antagonist would probably be problematic.

I like this idea, but I'm not sure it will have the effect of "more traitoring, but not necessarily more rampaging"; there's a plethora of traitor items knowledgeable players can get their hands on and even semi-knowledgeable players have access to materials, without traitor gear, that can bring a station to its literal knees.

That said, I still support this idea; miscreants almost never do their objectives or they tend to take them a little too seriously, so this could be a potential outlet.

Also, expanding use/using zombies and werewolves more would be a nice touch; both of these roles are almost completely absent from gameplay, despite both having unique ways to play as and against them.

Re: more traitors per round - Readster - 06-07-2014

I once saw a mixed round with 30+ people that only had two antagonists and they both died 10 minutes in.

This would be a welcome change.

Re: more traitors per round - atomic1fire - 06-07-2014

yes to hard mode traitors.

Re: more traitors per round - lifehole - 06-07-2014

Hard Mode traitors is what I've always wanted out of miscreants.