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Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Printable Version

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Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Clarks - 04-24-2014

Throwing a mob across a reinforced table will make it bounce back towards the thrower.
It's impossible to trap people or shove them where they can't reach you (for breaking a fight, treason, stuff).

It's still possible however to go across the table on your own and steal the hop's all access id. I'm not sure what this change has achieved.
Can we get it reverted and make tables useful again.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Crumplehat - 04-24-2014

I agree this needs to be changed, if only so I can throw people out of my fucking bar again. Everyone just glitches or flips around using the monkey anyway and I'm left with no way of getting them the fuck out again.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Kovirii - 04-24-2014

When you shoot someone with the riot shotgun, it knocks them back. Therefore it should be able to knock them back onto, and over the bar table, just like in the movies.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Crumplehat - 04-24-2014

I've also noticed that it's hard to throw some items over the table too for some reason, like if I'm trying to throw food out to the person who ordered it I end up having it bounce back into my face instead. I understand this might have been implemented (if intentionally) to make people stop chucking shit at the bartender or HoP or whoever, but it's just a hassle as is.

And the inability to throw people over the table was likely intended to keep people from throwing other people over tables to get them into places, but they find ways around that anyway. If they're cooperating, then the moment they get up on top of the table they can just walk right over it. All it does in that case is make it impossible to throw them back out again. If you really need to protect those places so bad just put sliding windows in front of them like at mechanic's bay or QM.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - APARTHEID - 04-24-2014

The passive *flip, as it is, is fine, given it requires another mob to work, but this shit with the tables is ridiculous. I can't throw a glass at the bartender because the magical reinforcement of the table keeps it from flying over?

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Clarks - 05-01-2014

No, seriously, can this be reverted? It has not solved any problem. But now it's impossible to throw out people who break in the bar.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - bubs - 05-02-2014

guys quit being lazy just table them and then throw them you loafers.

really though i dont care about this either way throwing people across tables is funny

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - Clarks - 05-02-2014

bubs Wrote:guys quit being lazy just table them and then throw them you loafers.

That's the problem you nerd. If you table somebody on an reinforced table and try to throw them across, they bounce back on your side now.

Re: Can't throw people across reinforced tables. - bubs - 05-02-2014
