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Airlock Electrocution Overloads - Printable Version

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Airlock Electrocution Overloads - aft2001 - 03-09-2025

I am dabbling with a small tweak and would like feedback. In short: Airlocks can now 'Overload' when both electrified and supplied with too much power (usually from hotwires/artgens). The goal is to make the airlock no longer continue to shock people trying to walk through it after someone is electrocuted by it, nerfing the sheer strength and simplicity of the "hotwire the engine and shock every door to kill everyone without insuls" rampage tactic. The one-shot-with-little-to-no-warning-with-chance-of-round-removal mechanic is pretty unfun, but I think its outright removal is inelegant. It's uncommon enough to just be knocked down a peg or two.

My current implementation has the following changes:
  • Airlocks receiving more than 1.5MW of power can Overload when they are Electrified by a silicon and shock someone (does not apply to shocks from hacking)
  • An airlock Overloading tries to open the airlock, cuts all power wires, and deals some damage with a somewhat distinct sound effect
  • Airlocks, when examined, now tell you if they're electrified and meet the 1.5MW threshold

As overloaded airlocks lose power after opening, they will not autoclose and the AI cannot close them, meaning they need to be crowbarred closed to shock people walking through the doorway again. This means they become 'single use', requiring attention and manual action to render them hazardous again. Bolted doors continue to shock, but people generally don't try to walk through those.

An alternative implementation would be to make Electrified doors no longer shock you if all power wires are cut, and remove the auto-opening mechanic. Yet another would be pulsing or cutting 2 to 4 random intact wires every time a shock happens. I'm unsure if either would be better, however, and would like feedback.