Brainrot/Latte Cappuccino's Mentor Application - Brainrot - 02-27-2025
Usual character name: My current primary character is Latte Cappuccino who might also be more commonly known as L.A.T.T.E. as her silicon/A.I. form. I also play a silicon named RIVET, and have formerly played a character a long while ago named Spriggan Vega. Apart from my large list of characters, I occasionally play on the server as a random name, or if I am not playing the standard player stuff, then I will play Ghostdrones or Critters.
BYOND username: Brainrot
Discord username (if you are on our discord): solsolace
Recommended by (if applicable): No One! I wanted to give this application a shot and see if the community believes I am ready for this opportunity, or if I need more work before becoming a Mentor.
Goon servers you play: Goon 3 and 4, Currently Leaning on 4.
Quote:Why Do I Want Do Be A Mentor?
To start, I really like to help people learn something new! As someone who has been here in the Goonstation community since July of 2023, I have been the New Bee like everyone else has at some point. I have experienced the intimidation of facing new departments and their tasks as someone who was still learning the game and it can be very difficult if you have the wrong crowd. Being a Mentor, or someone who teaches others, there's always something that I feel you have to remember. From some people's perspectives, you might just be their very first introduction to the department, specific job, or even to the game itself! Why am I mentioning this? Well, it's for a few reasons!
While I have had many good experiences learning with people during my time on Goon, I have also encountered the few who were unwilling to show the ropes and instead shrugged off my questions and ignored them. Interactions like these made me feel unwelcome and closed me off from wanting to learn new areas just because I was unsure of where to start. After having those negative experiences, I decided that I wanted to try to be the kind of person that people can feel comfortable with and openly ask questions to. Since making that decision, I always try to make time to help people learn something if they look like they need some help, or if they request some assistance.
I have always enjoyed helping people here on Goonstation. It is something that helps open the door for the other person to discover more about what they are interested in; and depending on the department or job that they are looking to learn, there is a lot more to most jobs than what meets the eye!
I have been trying to make an effort to catch questions in the Discord, however it has been a bit difficult to be the first to provide the answer as many others have been able to respond in under a minute! My teaching opportunities primarily happen in-round due to this; though some of the roles I play make it a bit more difficult to present teaching opportunities, such as when I am playing an A.I. and the station is pulling me back and forth for different requests. As for my experience, I have played and learned every department but even I still have some gaps in my knowledge that I need to fill.
I have over 1,600 hours of playtime between playing Goonstation server 3 and 4 with the addition of some time played on the Nightshade servers when they were up last year. The departments that I can comfortably say that I have experience in would be Medical, Research, and Engineering as a whole. For smaller jobs, I also know a good deal about Botany and I am still working to learn more about Ranching as there are so many paths you can take with it! Even as a teacher, there's always the fact that you will have more to learn. Through the many rounds that I have played and observed, I have had the opportunity to watch other Mentors at work and I have been doing my best to learn how to offer help to others-- while leaving room for the person to explore more advanced paths on their own.
In addition to making this application, I would also like to hear back from the community on their thoughts and feedback. If there is somewhere that I can improve, I would love to hear it! I will be sure to read any and all replies to this post thoroughly and I will be sure to take them to heart as I do genuinely like to know where others stand at present. If I can make improvements or changes, then I will be doing my best moving forward to implement them. Even if this application gets denied, then there is always the feedback that I can take away from it which is just as useful.
Quote:What Exactly Is My Experience?
As mentioned above, I have played every single standard job on Goonstation. However, I will be sorting these from my Most Experienced to my Least Experienced for the convenience and relativity for the sake of this application! If you have questions, please feel free to ask and I will be happy to respond when I have the time!
Research: Many of my rounds have been in Research! I have dabbled and mastered how to activate and treat artifacts; both in the conventional method with the machines, but also with other tools for when they stop working. Currently, the only one kind of artifact activation method I need to refine and learn is the voice activated artifacts that I have not encountered just yet. Additionally, I understand the concept of Telesci and how to effectively use it in order to find A-Zones, Create Portals, Rescue People, and plenty of other uses! Aside from Telesci and Artifact Science, I also have a pretty general understanding of chemicals. I also have a standard understanding of toxins, but nothing too crazy in that section quite yet. In terms of A-Zones, I unfortunately do not have as much knowledge on them as I would like as I have not had the opportunity to visit many in full!
A.I./Silicons: As mentioned, I have played an awful lot of A.I. and cyborg rounds. I can say with confidence that I understand the laws provided and if there happens to be a particularly odd lawset, there's no shame in double-checking the Wiki and conversing with your other silicons regarding how to interpret and act with any odd laws you may be given. When you are an A.I. there are a couple of things that I try to keep in mind. You do not want to be that A.I. that reports every little thing the moment you see it as that will ruin the fun for the antags and the station. However, you also don't want to stay quiet about something that may be a larger threat. There's a middle-ground that can take time for some to learn, but what is most important for roles like an A.I. is to make it fun! (Within your lawset, of course!) There is no perfect way to play a cyborg or an A.I. and that's the fun about it! When teaching a new A.I. how to use their buttons, I have informed them how to turn off their Microphone so that they may speak normally without broadcasting their words over the radio, making Viewports, Tracking Crewmembers through cameras, and...of course, opening doors as the crew requests assuming their clearance is appropriate for where they enter.
Robotics: Naturally, I feel like this had to come next beneath silicons. I have a great understanding on the Roboticist job and I love to teach it! I understand how to make several different kinds of silicons and other machinery. Additionally, I understand what materials you need for certain properties when building parts. It has always been fun exploring what other smaller robots you can make when you finish crafting up spare cyborg units and the A.I. shell, and I enjoy having the opportunity to teach whenever I am either a silicon or a Roboticist working alongside my co-workers! I always enjoy taking the initiative and helping teach a new Roboticist the art of part swapping as many of our cyborg friends have a preferred shell type!
Engineering: I can say with great confidence that I understand Engineering very well! I understand how to run every engine type and have been working on learning more about optimizing some of my layouts and figuring out what works best. For example, I will at times experiment on a local server to test different kinds of methods to run the TEG and Nuclear Reactor specifically. I have an understanding on what materials work best for the Reactor, and I am currently learning how to optimize my TEG output through various burns and plating techniques. I also have VERY limited knowledge on some simple mechcomp machines that I have made for fun! A couple examples of what I have personally taught others are: The Basic TEG and Reactor Set Up, Sharing what I learned about Automating a Nuclear Reactor Turbine (Before the new Reactor update). Though, I have helped in other ways!
[b]Botany: [/b]I have a lot of knowledge on Botany that I have used in the past! I understand how to make very good produce in addition to the many mutations that there are to offer here on Goonstation. Splicing has always been a joy to practice and can create some very fun results that are perfect for different gimmicks like Food Stalls/Cafes/Shops that the station can use. I also understand what chemicals can be made from a variety of different plants which can be useful for making specific chemicals (For Good or Bad reasons) and utilizing them as a Botanist alone. Believe it or not, there is a lot more that you can do in Botany than grow weed!...You could even improve it if you really want to grow a ton of it, though! A lot of the time, I often show new Botanists how the planters work, how to use the mister, and where they can get their seeds. More often than not, I have witnessed quite a few New Bees discover the art and pain of hacking the seed vendors for the first time!
Medical: Medical is one of the jobs that I started with after coming to Goonstation in the first place. I have seen the changes in medical from before the chemistry rework, surgery rework, and even dialysis! I understand how to perform surgery and explain it to others in a way that will help keep the patient alive and healthy during the procedure. Additionally, when I play a medical role, I have also been trying to encourage offering the patient pain medication/sleeping gas for roleplay reasons, as it can add a bit more to the interaction. Some important things that are pretty necessary to learn and understand in Medical are basic treatments, what chemicals work best for certain injuries, and checking the patient's records for the Puritan trait if they are being brought to the cloning bay. Aside from standard Medical Doctoring, I also understand standard Genetics practices but I am still learning the combinations for some of them.
Mining: I have done my fair share of mining. I understand how to use the telescope to discover special asteroids or Teleporter Locations. There is a lot of things to learn about mining, especially depending on the map that you play on! If we are speaking on standard mining terms, I do have knowledge of how to make custom tools and what would be worth investing in if you decide to move away from the normal mining pick-axe or hammer. In a similar field, I also know how to arc-plate in order to improve gear and also make new alloys by combining different ore together. Something that I can not stress enough when I have the opportunity to teach mining is the danger of the radioactive and explosive ore, and where to put the ore when their satchel is full.
Quartermaster: I have an understanding on what it takes to be an efficient Quartermaster on Goonstation. Requisitions are quite important for large sums of money, but there is of course the strategy of using the many traders to both Buy and Sell to that can be important. Some requests that people may have, such as needing to purchase artifacts, have to be done through a trader. Alternatively, some traders are better to send ore to in order to gain more credits rather than exporting it as normal (depending on the market.) In general, being a Quartermaster can be a lot of fun when you decide to have fun with it! It's always fun to encourage the more creative methods of having credits made.
Command: I have had experience playing each role of command. The duties that come with each head of their respective department is something that can be learned, but a lot of the time it boils down to learning how to delegate your staff. The Captain instructs the other Heads of Staff, while the Heads of Staff normally instruct their respective department with any task and or order that is needed. This, of course, does not mean to be a rude "Boss" to your staff (unless that is your character's personality), but rather divide the tasks across your department so that no one individual, or yourself, gets overwhelmed. Being a Command member is also a role that is perfect to use to help others learn with you. Do experiments, have fun! It can be intimidating being a member of Command, but sometimes it's just important to recognize that you are all here to learn and have fun together! Be the HOP who makes people fill out paperwork for any request they make, or become the crazy Research Director who is ready to drag a group of people with them on a random adventure! There is no perfect way to play Command!
Civilian Jobs: There are some Civilian roles that I have more experience in than others. Such as being the janitor who needs to clean up the giant messes that are made after monkey riots and replacing the broken lights across the station. But, I have seen people needing to track down where the janitor stations are in the dark maintenance tunnels since they are often hidden. I have helped some new Janitors find their stations as it can be hard to spot sometimes especially on larger maps, or if they late join. Aside from Janitors, being a chef and creating a full menu is quite fun! Although, when you are a chef, sometimes it helps having a direction/theme to help guide you to find what to make for your menu. There are a lot of fun recipes to make, it's up to the Chef to explore them, though! Lastly, I have been a Rancher and have experimented with almost all the different chicken paths; I still have yet to produce many of the chickens on that guide, but I understand how to and I am more than happy to work with other Ranchers to produce the specific chicken they may be aiming for by the end of the shift! I still have yet to fiddle with the sheep and wool mechanics, though. There is more to it than I thought!
Security: Security is the department that I personally have the least experience in across the board. However, I understand the flow of how Security works and where you can go to get equipment or tools that most officers need. Something that is important to recognize is that winning should not be the priority despite being in Security; if you are in a Roleplay server, then you should give the antagonist or suspect the chance to speak and build the story with you. Additionally to this, I understand the usage of brigging, exiles, and executions in terms of the flow process, permissions, and taking account of the severity of the situation to make the decision. Utilizing the ticketing mechanic and using fines to add to Security operations is something I personally will always recommend! I can say that despite not having a lot of experience in Security, I do understand and can help teach others the Standard Operating Procedure if needed.
Antagonist: I normally stray away from being most antagonists these days, however I do have experience being them. I am familiar with the mechanics of many antagonist mechanics outside of Flock and Werewolves, though a good chunk of my knowledge on some Antagonist types was tested on a local due to not having the opportunity to properly learn in a round (Looking at you, Wraith spawns...) While I am not very active in the antagonist life, I do understand that there needs to be appropriate escalation for appropriate threats.
In Summary: I have quite a bit of experience across the departments! I still have things that I need to learn and further my knowledge on, but I am confident that I can assist in supporting other people's questions as long as they land within my knowledge bank. In addition to this, I am actively making an effort to learn more to improve my current spread of knowledge and I am not shy to reference the Wiki if I am unsure about anything when providing an answer for someone else!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): As far as my knowledge, I have never been banned. I have been given warnings in the past and I have since kept my mistakes in mind and worked to not repeat them. Making mistakes happens but learning from them is what I feel is important, and I take mistakes and warnings to heart and own up to them.
As I am wrapping up this application, I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time to read this. Like I have mentioned above, I would like to hear any and all feedback. Whether it is positive, neutral, or negative. I want to know the communities thoughts and if there are improvements to be made, then I will take suggestions and advice to heart.
Any feedback is appreciated and will be read!
RE: Brainrot/Latte Cappuccino's Mentor Application - Lefinch - 03-09-2025
Nice and simple for me: Brainrot's polite and helpful in every encounter I've had with them on Discord and in character, but I hadn't managed to catch any helping newbees in the contemporary. I spent a bit of time since their application being an observer and caught a couple of teaching experiences, both in engineering and they were polite, let the learner practically do the task (which is usually helpful for helping people to learn how to do things themselves) and positive.
It's a side thing but they've always in my experience been willing to engage with anyone's RP and are proactive in seeking it, which is always nice to see as well. It's easy to engage with people you know but important to do it with everyone. Not a mentor thing per se, but to me a sign of someone's who's going to have a good attitude being a mentor. +1 from me.