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Re-enable Salvagers on Classic - Printable Version

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Re-enable Salvagers on Classic - Angel - 02-27-2025

I'm not fully sure why salvagers were disabled in classic in the first place, so sorry if my suggestion seems bad. I personally believe salvagers would be pretty fun in classic, I remember one issue people would complain when salvs were first added was that they were "too boring and weak", but it was because it was a new antagonist, that most players weren't fully sure how to play as, now that salvagers exists for awhile and people have "gotten" how the antag works, it would be quite fun in classic, since salvagers can be quite strong, specially if all the new gear they have compared to salvagers on release.

RE: Re-enable Salvagers on Classic - LeahTheTech - 02-27-2025

We could try it I guess, salvagers have got a lot stronger/faster since release but my memory of salvagers on classic was basically nothing happening for 40 minutes while they scrapped every inch of the debris field and then came on station to rampage at the end.

RE: Re-enable Salvagers on Classic - Kotlol - 03-01-2025

(02-27-2025, 02:44 PM)LeahTheTech Wrote: We could try it I guess, salvagers have got a lot stronger/faster since release but my memory of salvagers on classic was basically nothing happening for 40 minutes while they scrapped every inch of the debris field and then came on station to rampage at the end.

Just make it so they can't do that in the debris field.
We blocked vampires and changelings getting points from the Diner.

RE: Re-enable Salvagers on Classic - Angel - 03-01-2025

(03-01-2025, 07:40 AM)Kotlol Wrote:
(02-27-2025, 02:44 PM)LeahTheTech Wrote: We could try it I guess, salvagers have got a lot stronger/faster since release but my memory of salvagers on classic was basically nothing happening for 40 minutes while they scrapped every inch of the debris field and then came on station to rampage at the end.

Just make it so they can't do that in the debris field.
We blocked vampires and changelings getting points from the Diner.

In RP salvagers gets less points from looting off station z-level locations, although that also does not stop some salvagers shifts from going like, salvs spends 30~40 minutes getting points off station before going on station to loot. Imo, the off station looting issue isn't only on classic, although the rampage issue is definitely a classic issue, but even on RP I have seen people complain about of salvs who spends alot of time off station before coming onto station, and experienced it myself aswell some shifts. I did see someone argue they would rather salvs not lose that early boost from looting off station though, so I doubt the solution would be outright removing getting points from off station locations. Did the offstation point nerf already exist back in classic salvs? If not, maybe that's enough to make it rarer.