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Thoughts and Feedback from a Salvager Round - Printable Version

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Thoughts and Feedback from a Salvager Round - SageAcrin - 02-27-2025

So I had a blast recently as a Salvager, and it was a pretty unique experience, and I wanted to give some thoughts on it; didn't see a topic on it so I thought I'd throw this up as a fast place to store my thoughts.

First off, a couple of gameplay thoughts I had. 

First off; I do get that it's a more role-playing oriented concept than what I'm comparing it to, but... please please could the headsets be similarly changed to Nuclear Operative style (last I checked) secret channel standard, public channel special :z rather than a standard headset calling out over standard lines? I dang near blew my team without discussion because I simply assumed this was how it would work, because the setups were so similar, and accidents are going to happen over and over I feel like. I'd love to hear if people disagree on this one; it feels obvious to me but maybe I'm weird.  space bear

Secondly, and I had to double-check the wiki to see if I didn't just miss this; either a scrap rucksack or, even neater, a Very Portable Reclaimer would be wonderful here. Right now, this role needs an omnitool, a welder, the deconstructor, and probably at least one weapon all immediately on hand, and the bag has the frame case taking up another slot. You very rapidly run out of space and scrap is low value individually; one decent object is an entire trip for 30-50 points. Reclaimed stuff can be stacked, fixing this entirely (and being very thematic for the recycle it all into usefulness idea to have). This feels like something that ought to be default; right now scrap is a waste of time compared to high value items and it really shouldn't be, even with this it's still quite possibly less worth it from a time to value standpoint but has other good points that makes it interesting. Either way, scrap is sort of a non-thing right now, and lemme tell you, I tried to make it one (to my detriment).

For the RP elements, I had a very weird time of it. What I found (and have seen on other Salvager rounds too) is... strange. Basically, people treat you kinda like Gang, or even less threatening; you're a valid target, extremely visible, but treated as a non-threat. The net result from an RP point of view tends to be... very strange; very often I got much less conversation with people for stealing and more outright harassment and people talking down to the non-working ("Get a job" - heard on multiple rounds) low-life thieves (who are, of course, living on a scrap pile). Memorably had someone harass/drag me away from an air pump they weren't using in engineering and not really converse with me constantly until I shot them once, which hilariously started the RP conversation.

Honestly? Kinda dark. By the end there I ended up RPing a sledgehammer rage because of how I was treated. I like dark RP but I'm curious if this is where this was supposed to go; it seems like where this ends up is either "the salvagers immediately do a Good Antagonist Shtick ™" or they're treated like utter dirt, with it being hard to get an in-between. It's kinda fascinating, but I'm wondering if this is desired.

RE: Thoughts and Feedback from a Salvager Round - glowbold - 02-27-2025

metal scrap can be picked up with the ore scoop/satchel i believe they start with?

agree on the other points

RE: Thoughts and Feedback from a Salvager Round - SageAcrin - 02-27-2025

Oooh if that works that would make a lot of sense; I didn't catch on to that at all. Thank you, that helps me out a lot there.

RE: Thoughts and Feedback from a Salvager Round - Kotlol - 03-01-2025

I tend to be a repo guy who comes in and repossesses things.
A guy from the inspection, taking devices who have expired and could be a risk to the workers.

Both are hilarious.