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Application for Mentorship - Printable Version

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Application for Mentorship - Kaedrin18 - 02-24-2025

Usual character name: Raoul Aethyr Matter
BYOND username: Kaedrin18
Discord username (if you are on our discord): kaze10
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 3 and 4

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I want to help people out in the game with the knowledge I do have, I try to help people in character and out, and whilst not as knowledgable as some other mentors may be, or even some regular players. I do at least know enough to help new people or returning ones with basics, and can specialise in an area or two at least. An example being that Ranni Stella whom had never played as a QuarterMaster in Cargo, said I did a good job in teaching them how it works overall, starting them off easy and explaining more as it goes on.

I have also done the same in mining to a limited degree, helping someone who was new there by explaining things, whilst not able to do all the tools, or even what is a good nanofabricated mining tool. I taught them the basics for filling up oxygen, how to recharge things, alongside what resource counted for what in the fabricator, and offering a goal of sorts. Namely that they could easily mine more things safely with better armour, so they should aim for those materials first. Alongside to scan before mining via the magnet.

Whilst I do lack knowledge entirely in engineering, and only know the bare basics of things like the Medical training, Robotics, Botany, Science, and to a degree Chef. I do try to offer help however I can either in or out of character, trying to not disturb the roleplay going on, or if it is disturbed, trying to minimalise it as much as possible. Maintaining impartial advice and doing the best I can to assist however I may be able.

For experience I have played over 1,700 rounds on the RP servers combined, a majority of rounds I have done have involved me playing as a QuarterMaster, Miner, Geneticist and some time as a Chef and Bartender. I have also been a variety of antagonist roles, I haven't done any engineer work due to it feels very complex to me, but I have tried most other roles out at least once or twice. Aside from Chief Engineer, Medical Director and other locked Roles such as NTSC and HoS.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): No bans thus far, but have had a warning or two if I recall correctly.