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Silly Changeling Ideas - Mysterious_E - 12-27-2024

what if Changeling's ejecting body parts is in a single button, with a dropdown menu like the morph arm?? (less on-screen buttons)

maybe the abomination hand and shambling abomination can break tables like a player controlled zombie does???? 

when a changeling dies in the port-a-brig, their headspider breaks out. i think it should be a neat little surprise when they open it, instead of seeing the head pop out of it when its locked and not even open.

hell yeah man

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Lefinch - 12-27-2024

I would not personally want less buttons and more menus for the Changeling abilities. I don' think it's an outrageous amount right now, it's already got a menu of depth as is (to select the player for the limb) so it would be a menu on a menu (first to pick limb, then to pick player or vice versa) which to me feels clunky. I'm also not horrified by the idea though if it turns out everyone else really likes that.

The shambler breaking tables I can see working. Adds to the "unstoppable force of horror" aspect a bit but it's not also doing anything absurd.

The headspider thing is definitely thematically cool. Given how port-a-brigs are generally unlikely to be escapable I would be concerned that would just end up being the default thing people do every time they end up in one, which then by default would mean security expects it every time, which kind of spoils the fun for everyone. Definitely a cool spooky thing though so on balance maybe?

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Lt487 - 12-27-2024

I would like some changes to horror form to make them more menacing, such as perhaps if you get harm punched by a horror form gibs fly out of you or something.
You can also add more blood flying everywhere if someone is getting devoured.
Also if horror form had some grapple hook ability to slowly reel in someone I would be a happy spaceman. Imagine hearing someone scream LING! and then they get dragged away before you can even respond

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Lefinch - 12-27-2024

(12-27-2024, 11:13 AM)Lt487 Wrote: I would like some changes to horror form to make them more menacing, such as perhaps if you get harm punched by a horror form gibs fly out of you or something.
You can also add more blood flying everywhere if someone is getting devoured.
Also if horror form had some grapple hook ability to slowly reel in someone I would be a happy spaceman. Imagine hearing someone scream LING! and then they get  dragged away before you can even respond
I would trade pretty much everything but sting for that last one. Extremely classic horror theme: people suddenly being dragged into the dark. I'd personally be more interested in a sort of "reverse shadowhound pounce" where you just YEET that crewman standing in the doorway inside.

But changelings also just got a really nice sting mixup and they're doing pretty well with what they have. I would -absolutely- in a dream, scope creep enjoying world say it would be nice to see the same kind of "specialisation" wraiths have for lings. Mutating down different paths: Becoming better/faster at shifting into other forms, even those you don't have, embracing true alienism and abandoning disguise for being just a straight up monster pulling those snatch-and-grabs and fleshing around like Varshie's 'orrible thing, maybe some kind of third option were your hive buddies get a buff and are a bit more capable and your stings can be shot remotely.

But that's also like going "Yeah is someone cool completely remaking the changeling class?" and they point fingers and go "WYCI" and go "Ideas guy ideas guy" in a singsong tone. 

Where was I? Yeah cool ideas in general, I feel like original suggestions by Mysterious are all reasonable in terms of effort even if I personally disagree about the button one, and the hook thing for shambler isn't too crazy.

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Kotlol - 12-28-2024

In my opinion... making the horror form more horrorifying is an amazing idear

Breaking tables and desks easily is perfect. We can give it "Gamma radiation" as a standard trait.

Being able to breaking doors and walls and glass too, but taking abit longer.

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Mouse - 12-29-2024

Have the horror form lash out randomly at things surrounding it a la raj or berserker.  One free attack per second or every other second, directed at a random adjacent tile.  Smash windows, break tables, etc.  Maybe come up with some random limbs in addition to the regular changeling ones and have them deal the attacks, with different limbs doing different things.

The frenzied tentacle hits Mr. Muggles, knocking him back!
Mr. Muggles hits the vending machine!
The vending machine falls over on Mr. Muggles!
Mr. Muggles's Mr. Muggles's left monkey arm flies off in a bloody arc!
Mr. Muggles screams!

Might also make shambler a slightly better emergency button for lower skill players who don't know you need to switch up your targets to not get beaten to death.

The grody intestine spews digestive juices over Slippy the Clown!
The clown mask melts!
Slippy the clown screams!
Slippy the Clown is holding his breath, it appears he's trying to commit suicide.

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Kateaclysm - 01-10-2025

(12-29-2024, 06:20 AM)Mouse Wrote: Have the horror form lash out randomly at things surrounding it a la raj or berserker.  One free attack per second or every other second, directed at a random adjacent tile.  Smash windows, break tables, etc.  Maybe come up with some random limbs in addition to the regular changeling ones and have them deal the attacks, with different limbs doing different things.

The frenzied tentacle hits Mr. Muggles, knocking him back!
Mr. Muggles hits the vending machine!
The vending machine falls over on Mr. Muggles!
Mr. Muggles's Mr. Muggles's left monkey arm flies off in a bloody arc!
Mr. Muggles screams!

Might also make shambler a slightly better emergency button for lower skill players who don't know you need to switch up your targets to not get beaten to death.

The grody intestine spews digestive juices over Slippy the Clown!
The clown mask melts!
Slippy the clown screams!
Slippy the Clown is holding his breath, it appears he's trying to commit suicide.

I really like the idea of the flailing mass of limbs and tentacles throwing out random attacks within a one tile radius of the shambler. Really great idea.

Personally, my only real huge (and within-scope) thing that I would add / change to changeling is a counter to grabbing the changeling while it's in shambler mode. Right now, you can grab, pin, and even suplex the giant tentacle monster from hell. I know this isn't the game to have "realism", but I think that the shambler being able to put a mouth full of sharp, mangled teeth anywhere on it's body should probably give anyone that tries to grab it a nasty bite, or even have a chance to delimb.
There's two ways i could see this working: 

  • if you grab the shambler, the game treats it exactly like how a shambler grabbing YOU would work - you start to have your limbs ripped off one by one until you release the grab or lose your grip because your arm was just eaten.

  • If you attempt to grab or touch the shambler with your bare hands, it deals a nasty slashing damage bleed, similar to how werewolves lash out when someone attempts to pet them.

There's already a big counter to the shambler devour ability by dragging or grabbing victims out of their grip before they are devoured, so this won't change too much. But it WILL make attempting to touch the monstrocity -suitably- extremely dangerous. Being able to drag someone out of their jaws is already a desperation move, but it should be something you do by risking your own wellbeing.

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - NanoDano - 01-16-2025

What if the changeling got 1 DNA back whenever it punches someone?

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Frank_Stein - 01-17-2025

The ability to store items inside themselves. Chest opens up and they just jam it in and close back around it

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Dr. Puggers - 01-20-2025

I think the hivemind should be more of a hivemind rather than just backseat gamers and acid spitters.

Instead of just the acid spit, why not give a second row of buttons for a type of attack you want to make?
Spit acid, tentacle slap, tentacle grip (grip players to reel them in as mentioned or a floor/object to pull the ling towards/hurl) The main counter to a ling is 'keep at least 1 tile between you and it'. Needs more range capability than just acid spit which on it's own does miniscule damage.
Maybe even leave those abilities to be used by the master even outside of horror form. 
Horror form shouldn't just be 'break glass in case of emergency'.

Changeling has a lot of potential to be the creepy thing in the maints that would actually be scary to encounter.

And I know I've said this a thousand times, but capu stings are very noticable and the ling's success in capturing someone falls onto the victims whim on whether or not they want to scream out over comms or just run away into a crowded area.

RE: Silly Changeling Ideas - Mysterious_E - 02-05-2025

ling is somewhat roleplay dependent, yeah. i cant even count how many times i died/was caught early as a ling because someone screamed into comms that im a ling.